Race & Ethnicity Flashcards
groups of people though as distinct in a society based on superficial physical differences that are made significant by a given society
the process whereby certain groups are marked for unequal treatment based on phenotypical or “biological” traits
a movement that sought to influence human evolution by “weeding out undesirables”
belonging to a group or category of people that are bound together by common ties of national tradition, language or cultural heritage.
involves negative attitudes, feelings, and beliefs toward other people
involves treating people unfavorably
when a racial group’s collective prejudice is backed by the power of legal authority and institutional control
White Privilege
the advantages that are taken by white people and cannot be similarly enjoyed by racialized people
government or social inequality of those with certain skin tone
Implicit Bias
attitudes or stereotypes that affect our understanding, actions, and decisions in an unconscious manner
Implicit Bias Tests
can revel to people they they possess an automatic preference they weren’t aware of.
Canada’s Racial History
The Chinese Immigration Act, 1885; The Gentleman’s Agreement, 1908; The Immigration Act, 1910; The Multiculturalism Policy, 1971; The Immigration Act, 1976
Race & Social Construction
Race is a socially and politically constructed set of categories. Racial categories are created to justify exploitation and disenfranchisement.
Racialization in Canada
racialization involves dividing, sorting and attributing racial differences and then acting on those differences. It can involve enacting policies of “we” versus “them”.
The Ontario Female Refugee Act, 1919
stated that any parent or guardian may bring before a judge any female under the age of 21 who proves unmanageable or incorrigible. This is an example of eugenics.
Residential Schooling
This is an example of racism and disenfranchisement. The government claimed it was necessary as native kids were following the terrible example set by their parents. It was also an early attempt to civilize kids by taking away their “simple mythology” and replacing it with superior religion.
Racialization & Income
in Canada the income gap between racialized and non-racialized people is 26%, this 2016 census represents the lasting and harmful effects if racialization and intersectionality.
Racism & Power
having power enables a group to transform prejudicial attitudes and discriminations into structures of oppression that function independently from the intentions of individual actors.
Brazil Case Study
The Brazilian states unwillingness to define races helped preclude the formation of self-conscious groups that could serve as a basis for collective action.
Countering Implicit Bias
reading and seeing material that opposes the implicit preference as well as being alert to the existence of the undesired preference, recognizing that it may intrude into one’s judgments and actions.