Rabies, Prions, Slow Virus Infections Flashcards
An acute, fulminant, fatal encephalitis
Rabies virus, rhabdoviridae
Bite of rabid animal
Host: warmblooded animals, incl humans
Rod or Bullet shaped
Rabies pathogenesis
Centripetal (retrograde fast axonal transport)
-muscle /ct at site of inoculation
Centrefugal (fast axonal transport)
-CNS- PNS- salivary glands & other tissues
Rabies clinical findings
Incubation period: 1-3mos
Prodormal phase: 2-10 days anxiety agitation
Neurologic phase: 2-7 days
encephalitic / furious rabies (80%)
Paralytic/dumb/apathetic rabies (20%):
2-10 days
Generally survive a few days longer
Coma/death: 0-14days
Rabies diagnosis
Animal capture:
Rabid/suspected rabid: sacrificed
immediately, exam of neural tissue
negri bodies
Other animals: 10days observation
Signs of encephalitis: brain tissue exam
Direct flourescent antibody testing of brain tiisue of captured / eutanized animal
Cat 1
Touching of feeding animals, licks on intact skin
Cat 2
Nibbling of uncovered skin, bites, scratches or abrations w/o bleeding
Local treatment
Cat 3
Single/multiple bites/scratches
Licks on broken skin
Contamination of mucous membrane with saliva from licks, contact w bats
Vaccine + Ig
Local treatment
Rabies Vaccine
Human diploid cell vaccine (HDCV)
Grown from cell lines
Purified chick embryo cell vaccine (PCEC)
Grown in chicken fibroblasts
Rabies antibodies
Rabies immune globulin, human (HRIG)
Antirabies serum, equine
When HRIG is nit available
Proteinacious infectious particles
Misfolded prion proteins
Prion protein (PrP) found in normal brain
tissue of animals
PrP sc (scrappie)
Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies
Neurogeneration & spongiform changes
Long incubation periods (mos to decades)
followed by chronic progressive disease
(Weeks to years)
Always fatal
Sheep & goat
Bovine spongiform encephalopathy
Mad cow disease
Kuru -due to cannibalism
Creutzfeldt jacob disease
-Develops gradually w progressive
dementia, ataxia, myoclonus, & leads to
death in 5-12mos
-lateogenic cjd