Rabbits Flashcards
Period of receptivity
7-10 days
Are they spontaneous ovulators?
No. Induced ovulators.
Kits are weaned at what age
4-6 weeks
Females go to makes cage for
Birthing process
When can they rebreed after birth
24 hr
How many pairs of mammary glands
Why don’t they require colostrum
Passive immunity is acquired before birth through placenta
Males/females are called
Males have… That make neutering more complicated
Open infinitely canals
What does high fiber prevent?
What does hay help with
Cecotrophs and GI moving
Pellet diets are high in
1 packed cup of green foods per
2 pounds of body weight once a day
Why to avoid alfalfa hay
Too high in calcium- stones
Housing temp
60-70 degrees
Caging 24 hrs/day leads to
Obesity, boredom, pododermatitis, poor bone density, poor muscle tone, poor GI function, aggression, over grooming
1 cause of disease
Inappropriate diet
12-14 light a day
Ventilation is adequate to maintain
Health and minimize drafts and odors