rabbits Flashcards
important features
lifespan = 5-10yrs
heart rate = 150-300bpm
respiratory rate = 30-60-brpm
rectal temp = 38.5-40
water intake = 50-150ml
sexual maturity = 16 weeks
gestation = 30-33days
litter size = 1-8
newborn weight = 30-80g
in lagomorpha order
characteristics of rabbits head
large erect (floppy) pinnae
large protuberant eyes
cleft lip
twitchy nose
specialised dentition
rabbit ear characteristics
useful - thermoregulation, funnelling sound - can rotate 270 degrees
useful for - administering medications and fluids, blood sampling
can be sensitive = blood vessels fragile - easily damaged
rabbit eye characteristics
positioned laterally
have - third eyelid (nictating membrane), harderian gland - produce stable tear film, single ventral lacrimal punctum, draining into nasolacrimal duct - runs very close to apices of cheek teeth - cause problems
blind spots = tip of nose and directly behind them
large retrobulbar venous plexus (orbital venous sinus)
ophthalmic exam
merangiotic retina
no tapetum
- blood vessels localised to a specific region and you need to look upwards.
eyes - ocular muscles and drainage
have additional extraocular muscle = depressor palpebrae
- rectus dorsalis muscle - can be used to stabilise globe during surgery
- drainage from eye is via external jugular
rabbit dentition
- I 2/1 C0/0 PM 3/2 M3/3
- hypsodont teeth - reserve crown, enamel extends below gumline
- aradicular/elodont (open rooted, no true root)
rate of eruption for incisors - 3mm/week
cheek teeth = 3mm/month
sequence of events which lead to development of chronic dental disease in rabbit
- high CHO/low fibre diet results in reduced tooth wear and elongation of the crowns of the teeth
- leads to occlusion of cheek teeth at rest, pressure on crowns
-mouth is forced open - retrograde pressure forcing apices of teeth back into bone - cause bony swellings
-chewing becomes difficult, anatomy of chewing altered - up and down instead of side to side - as jaw forced apart, incisor teeth also begins to wear incorrectly and we also see incisor malocclusion and elongation
which features make it difficult to fully examine the mouth of a conscious rabbit?
fleshy cheeks, small gape, tongue torus
respiratory system
obligate nasal breathers
epiglottis rostral to soft palate
nose twitches rapidly unless very relaxed
rate - 30-60bpm
small thoracic cavity - tidal volume only 4-6ml/kg
high chest wall compliance
diaphragmatic contraction drives breathing
right lung = 4 lobes
left lung = 3 lobes
why is it difficult to intubate
long tongue, small glottis, narrow oropharynx, laryngospasm
cardiovascular system
HR = 150-300bpm
systolic blood pressure = 90-135mmHg
total blood volume = 50-75ml/kg
little collateral circulation
electrical conduction system simple - sinoatrial node consists of a small group of cell
no anastomses like dogs
venupuncture sites - jugular, lateral saphenous, cephalic, marginal ear vein
maximum about of blood that can be taken
up to 10% total blood can be taken from rabbit
digestive system characteristics
hindgut fermenters
efficient food converters
will select concentrates over fibre
dental disease occurs secondary to poor diet
fibre essential for gut health
DO have gall bladder
parts of digestive system
four pairs of salivary glands =
parotid, sublingual, zygomatics, mandibular
amylase rich in saliva released in response to presence of food in mouth
oesophagus = 3 layers of striated muscle, extending all way to cardia of stomach
well developed cardiac sphincter - no vomiting
ph 1-2 = stomach and SI sterile
small intestine
secretes enzyme called MOTILIN = stimulates motility in small intestine, colon and rectum
terminal ileum ends in sacculus rotundus at junction with colon and caecum = lymphoid tissue
-caecum - ends in vermiform appendix = lymphoid
acetate main VFA produced by caecal fermentation
how many kits can a rabbit have a year
60 kits
name for giving birth
rabbit reproductive system
induced ovulators
ovulation occurs around 10-13 hours after coitus
31 day gestation
kindling lasts 30 minutes
kit care
feed only once or twice daily for 3-5mins
rabbit milk has higher fat, protein, calorie concentration
maternal immunity is placental
kits start to take solid food around 18-21 days
sexing rabbits
- best sexed at weaning (5-8 wks) or later
male rabbit = no nipples
male reproductive system
- penis sits within rounded penile sheath
no os penis
-two hairless pockets can be seen either side of urogenital area = scent glands (females have too)
-scrotal sacs cranial to penis - accessory sex glands
- testes descend into scrotal sacs around 10-14 wks
female rabbit
male rabbit
minimum age for castration
3 months
why castrate rabbits?
stop ability to breed
easier litter training
reduced aggression
allows safe pair bonding with other rabbits of either sex
female reproductive system
- duplex uterus
- 2 cervices - left and right
- long convoluted oviducts
- mesometrium stores fat
-caused by infertile mating or presence of a male
-caused by secretion of progesterone from CL
why spay female rabbits
negates risk of uterine pyometra or carcinoma
reduces risk of mammary tumours
reduces aggression and risk of fighting
reduces phantom pregnancies
population control
when are female rabbits neutered?
why are rabbits prone to fractures and osteoporosis?
low calcium diets
reduced exposure to sunlight - reduced vitamin D
lack of exercise
musculoskeletal system features
vertebral formula = c7, t12, l7, cd16
tibia and fibula partially fused
5 digits on forelimb
4 digits on hindlimb
no footpads
integument features
really thin skin
three hair types; long guard hairs, shirt guard hairs, undercoat
furry all over except nose, scrotum and inguinal area
fur types = satin, rex, wool, normal
have a twice yearly molt
where would you find scent glands
submental glands (chin)
anal glands
inguinal glands
urinary system and calcium excretion
rabbits absorb all available dietary calcium through the gut, deal with it by excretion via kidney