RA Flashcards
the zygomatic process is a feature of the following bones frontal parietal temporal occipital
which of the following is a bone of the face parietal occipital temporal zygomatic
the large muscle that covers the top and sides of the skull from occipital to eyebrows masseter temporalis orbicularis oculi occiptofrontalis
crevice in skin accompanied by adjacent elevations fold furrow dimple groove
vertex of cranium and base of chin are examples of linear guides anatomical lines anatomical guides imaginary horizontal lines
imaginary horizontal line
this is of value to the restorative artist associated with the 3 quarter view photograph for restorative art purposes
accurately shows the length of nose
reveals the degree of fullness of the cheeks
allows for comparison of the 2 sides of face
reveals surfaces lying at right angles to source of illuminations
reveals the degree of fullness of cheeks
which of the following is one of the basic linear forms of facial profiles oval round vertical convex concave
which one of the following is one of the geometric head forms (frontal view) oval convex vertical concave
comparison of the 2 sides of face to observe the similarities and differences is referred to as bilateral inversion triangular asymmetrical
which of the following are generally involved in positioning the ear 1 zygomatic arch 2 mandibular fossa 3 mental protuberance 4 external auditory meatus
general profile classification for the nose from the root to tip Asian Italian Grecian egyptian
original scientific standard of color is hue spectrum newtons law pigment theory
one of the pigment cosmetics to match all skin colors gray black green yellow
for trauma accurate dimensions for facial restoration can be established by means of 1 photograph 2 classic proportions 3 supplemental equalities 4 mathematical calculations
width of the face is proportionally equal to the distance between the base of the nose and: normal hairline base of chin frontal eminence superior border of chin
normal hairline
substance that would remove nicotine stains alcohol acetone kerosene lemon juice
lemon juice
this anatomical structure cannot be used for accurate location of ear mandibular fossa mastoid process supraoribital margins exernal auditory meatus
supraorbital margins
the hue sequence pink, rose, cherry is indicative of red that has been toned tinted shaded greyed
this condition requiring restorative art is classified as traumatic edema pustules laceration jaundice
characteristic of first degree burn redness blistering incrustation charred tissue
tiny prominence on midline of superior mucous membrane is anguli oris eminence anguli oris sulcus philtrum medial lobe
medial lobe
complementary hues found on the color wheel in this position adjacent two hues apart opposite each other 3 hues apart
opposite apart
the hand my be restored if missing or completely mutilated by making a plaster cast covering with a sleeve wrapping the stump with bandage positioning so it is out of sight
making plaster cast
best method of repair for a dehydrated hand is hypodermic injection of tissue building topical application of embalming gel covering with surface wax application of opaque cosmetics
hypodermic injection
method of affixing hair depends on color availability length style
general procedure for effective hypodermic tissue building is
injection of deep tissues
direct injection of concavity
directing needle to most distant point
subcutaneous injection of thick massage cream
directing need to most distant point
in order to begin the modeling of a mutilated or destroyed eye one must form a wax shape of eye correct line of closure start with the margins of the eye socket cover eyeball with an eyecap
start with margins of eye socket
to restore a traumatized or missing forearm
position hand straight at side of deceased
cover with overlay
reattach by drilling through bones and wiring
contour forearm with pvc pipe
reattach with wire
most hazardous chemical to mix with a bleach solution is perlite eosine borax ammonia