RA 10591 Definition of Terms Flashcards
Refers to parts of a firearm which may enhance or increase the operational efficiency or accuracy of a firearm but will not constitute any of the majot or minor internal parts
Refers to a complete unfixed unit consisting of a bullet, gunpowder, cartridge case and primer or loaded shell for use in any firearm
Refers to any:
- Firearm which was manufactured at least seventy-five (75) years prior to the current date by no including replicas.
- Firearm which is certified by the National Museum of the Philippines to be curio or relic of museum interest
- Any other firearm which derives a substantial part of its monetary value from the fact that it is novel, rare, bizarre or because of its association with some historical figure, period or event
Antique firearm
Refers to the import, export, acquisition, sale, delivery, movement, or transfer of firearms, their parts, and components and ammunition from or across the territory of one country to that of another country which has not been authorized in accordance with domestic law in either or both country/contries
Arms smuggling
Refers to a document issued by the Chief of the Philippines National Police (PNP) authorizing the importation of firearms, or their parts, ammunition and other components
Authority to import
Refers to any person, legal entity, corporation, partnership, or business entity duty licensed by the Firearms and Explosive Office (FEO) of the PNP to engage in the bunisness of buying and selling ammunition, firearms of parte thereof, at wholesale or retail basis
Authorized dealer
Refers to any person, legal entity, corporation, partnership or business duly licensed by the FEO of the PNP to engage in the business of importing ammunition and firearms, or parts thereof unto the territory of the Republic of the Philippines of purposes of sale or distribution under the provisions of this Act
Authorized importer
refers to a firearm that is taken into custody by the PNP, National Bureau of Investigation (NBI), Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA), and all other law enforcement agencies by reason of their mandate and must be necessarily reported or turned over to the PEO of the PNP.
Confiscated firearm
refers to a firearm deliberately made incapable of performing its main purpose of firing a projectile.
Demilitarized firearm
efers to a document issued by the juridical entity or employer wherein the details of the disposition of firearm is spelled-out, thus indicating the name of the employee, the firearm information, the specific duration and location of posting or assignment and the authorized bonded firearm custodian for the juridical entity to whom such firearm is turned over after the lapse of the order.
Duly detail order
any handheld or portable weapon, whether a small arm or light weapon, that expels or is designed to expel a bullet, shot, slug, missile or any projectile, which is discharged by means of expansive force of gases from burning gunpowder or other form of combustion or any similar instrument or implement.
the barrel, frame or receiver is considered a firearm.
refers to the compilation of all data and information on firearms ownership and disposition for record purposes.
Firearms Information Management System (FIMS)
efers to a firearm that is subject to forfeiture by reason of court order as accessory penalty or for the disposition by the FEO of the PNP of firearms considered as abandoned, surrendered, confiscated or revoked in compliance with existing rules and regulations.
Forfeited firearm
refers to an organization duly registered with and accredited in good standing by the FEO of the PNP which is established for the purpose of propagating responsible and safe gun ownership, proper appreciation and use of firearms by its members, for the purpose of sports and shooting competition, self-defense and collection purposes.
Gun club
refers to any person, legal entity, corporation, partnership or business duly licensed by the FEO of the PNP to engage in the business of repairing firearms and other weapons or constructing or assembling firearms and weapons from finished or manufactured parts thereof on a per order basis and not in commercial quantities or of making minor parts for the purpose of repairing or assembling said firearms or weapons.
refers to a replica of a firearm, or other device that is so substantially similar in coloration and overall appearance to an existing firearm as to lead a reasonable person to believe that such imitation firearm is a real firearm.
Imitation firearm
refers to any Filipino who complies with the qualifications set forth in this Act and duly issued with a license to possess or to carry firearms outside of the residence in accordance with this Act.
Licensed citizen
refers to corporations, organizations, businesses including security agencies and local government units (LGUs) which are licensed to own and possess firearms in accordance with this Act.
Licensed juridical entity
Class-A Light weapons which refer to self-loading pistols, rifles and carbines, submachine guns, assault rifles and light machine guns not exceeding caliber 7.62MM which have fully automatic mode
Class-B Light weapons which refer to weapons designed for use by two (2) or more persons serving as a crew
Light weapons
efers to licenses issued to government agencies or offices or government-owned or -controlled corporations for firearms to be used by their officials and employees who are qualified to possess firearms as provider in this Act, excluding security guards.
Long certificate of registration
refers to an unregistered firearm, an obliterated or altered firearm, firearm which has been lost or stolen, illegally manufactured firearms, registered firearms in the possession of an individual other than the licensee and those with revoked licenses in accordance with the rules and regulations.
Loose firearm
refers to the barrel, slide, frame, receiver, cylinder or the bolt assembly. The term also includes any part or kit designed and intended for use in converting a semi-automatic burst to a full automatic firearm.
Major parts or components of a firearm
refers to the parts of the firearm other than the major parts which are necessary to effect and complete the action of expelling a projectile by way of combustion, except those classified as accessories.
Minor parts of a firearm
refers to a written authority issued to a licensed citizen by the Chief of the PNP which entitles such person to carry his/her registered or lawfully issued firearm outside of the residence for the duration and purpose specified in the authority.
Permit to carry firearm outside of residence
refers to a written authority issued to a licensed citizen or entity by the Chief of the PNP or by a PNP Regional Director which entitles such person or entity to transport a particular firearm from and to a specific location within the duration and purpose in the authority.
Permit to transport firearm
refers to a facility established for the purpose of firearms training and skills development, firearm testing, as well as for sports and competition shooting either for the exclusive use of its members or open to the general public, duly registered with and accredited in good standing by the FEO of the PNP.
Shooting range
refers to a certificate issued by the FEO of the PNP for a government official or employee who was issued by his/her employer department, agency or government-owned or -controlled corporation a firearm covered by the long certificate of registration.
Short certificate of resigtration
refer to firearms intended to be or primarily designed for individual use or that which is generally considered to mean a weapon intended to be fired from the hand or shoulder, which are not capable of fully automatic bursts of discharge
Small arms
refers to a defensive, precision or practical sport shooting competition duly authorized by the FEO of the PNP.
Sports shooting competition
refers to any firearm whose serial number or other identification or ballistics characteristics have been intentionally tampered with, obliterated or altered without authority or in order to conceal its source, identity or ownership.
Tampered, obliterated or altered firearm
refers to a battery operated, uncooled thermal imaging device which amplifies available thermal signatures so that the viewed scene becomes clear to the operator which is used to locate and engage targets during daylight and from low light to total darkness and operates in adverse conditions such as light rain, light snow, and dry smoke or in conjunction with other optical and red dot sights.
Thermal weapon sight