Firearms, Classification and Parts Flashcards
refers to any handheld or portable weapon, whether a small arm or light weapon, **that expels or is designed to expel **a bullet, shot, slug, missile or any projectile, which is discharged by means of expansive force of gases from burning gunpowder
What are needed to be considered a firearm
- barrel
- frame
- receiver
Long arms or shoulder arms
A rifled weapon normally designed to be fired with the support of the shoulder
Long arms or shoulder arms
Long smooth bored firearm that is designed to fire a single round lead ball. Also a muzzle loading firearm
Long arms or shoulder arms
A smooth bored firearm having a barrel of 25-30 inches long and designed to fire a number of ball shots or a single projectile by means of energy from burning gunpowder
Terms related to Shotgun
It refers to the partial constriction of the bore near the muzzle end of the gun in order to hold the shots together over longer distances
Terms relating to Shotgun
The diameter of the barrel is the same throughout the barrel
True cylinder
Terms relating to Shotgun
A shotgun having the last few inches of the muzzle rifled so that it will impart a spin to the patented slug that is used with it
Paradox Gun
Long arms or shoulder arms
A short barreled rifle, having a barrel not longer than 22 inches
Handgun or Short Arm
A repeating firearm requiring a separate pull of the trigger for each shot fired. Its chamber is integral with the barrel. Magazine fed
Semiautomatic Pistol
Handgun or Short Arm
A firearm with a cylinder having several chambers so arranged as to rotate around an axis and be discharged successively by the same firing mechanism
Types of Revolver; According to Loading Operation
The cylinder is mounted on a pivot that is coaxial with the chambers, and the cylinder swings out and down
Swing out type
Types of Revolver; According to Loading Operation
The frame is hinged at the bottom front of the cylinder. Releasing the lock and pushing the barrel down brings the cylinder up - this exposes the rear of the cylinder
Top break type
Types of Revolver; According to Loading Operation
The model used a loading gate at the rear of the cylinder that allowed one cartidge at a time to be accessed for loading
Fixed Cylinder
Types of Revolver; According to Firing Operation
Require manual cocking of the hammer. Pulling the trigger releases the hammer, that was manually cocked
Single-action Revolvers
According to Mechanical Construction
Type of firearm designed to fire only one shot for every loading. A hand chambering firearm
Single Shot Firearm
According to Mechanical Construction
Fire several shots in one loading. A rifle that have a number of cartridges stored in some form of magazine
Repeating Arms
According to Mechanical Construction
After the first shot is fired, automatic loading or feeding of the chamber takes place
Automatic Loading Type
According to Mechanical Construction
Reloading is done by manipulation of the bolt
Bolt Action Type
According to Mechanical Construction
A design wherein the breech mechanism is cycled by an external lever generally below the receiver
Lever Action
According to Mechanical Construction
An action which features a movable forearm which is manually actuated in motion parallel to the barrel by the shooter
Also known as PUMP ACTION
Slide Action
According to Mechanical Construction
A firearm requiring a separate pull of the trigger for each shot fired
Semiautomatic Type
According to Mechanical Construction
A firearm with a rifled barrel firing rifle ammunition and capable of fully automatic fire
Machine Gun type
According to Mechanical Construction
Synonym “machine pistol” a firearm with a riffled barrel firing pistol ammunition
Sub-machinegun type
According to RA 10591
FA which was manufactured at least seventy-five (75) years prior to the current date
FA which is certified by the National Museum of the Philippines to be curio or relic of museum interest
Antique firearm
According to RA 10591
Refers to FA that is taken into custody by the PNP, NBI, PDEA, and all other law enforcement agencies by reason of their mandate and must be necessarily reported or turned over to the FEO of the PNP
Confiscated firearm
According to RA 10591
Refers to a FA deliberately made incapable of performing its main purpose of firing a projectile
Demilitarized Firearm
According to RA 10591
Refers to a FA that is subject to forfeiture by reason of court order as accessory penalty or for the disposition by the FEO of the PNP or FAs considered as abandoned, surrendered, confiscated or revoked in compliance with existing rules and regulations
Forfeited Firearm
According to RA 10591
Refers to a replica of a FA, or other device that is so substantially similar in coloration and overall appearance to an existing FA as to lead a reasonable person to believe that such imitation FA is a real firearm
Imitation Firearm
According to RA 10591
Refers to any FA whose serial number or other identification or ballistics characteristics have been intentionally tampered with, obliterated or altered without authority or in order to conceal its source, identity or ownership
Tampered, obliterated or altered firearm
According to RA 10591
Refers to an unregistered FA, an obliterated or altered FA, firearm which has been lost or stolen, illegally manufactured FAs, registered FAs in the possession of an individual other than the licensee and those with revoked licenses in accordance with the rules and regulations
Loose Firearm