R2 Flashcards
are distingusihed by the shape of the vertebral body, the relative size of the vertebral foramen, the presence of costal processes with transverse foramen, and with spinous processes
cervical vertebrae
have a distinctive heart-shaped bodies, long, slender spinous processes, and articulations for the ribs
thoracic vertebrae
are the most massive and least mobile, they are subjected to the greatest strains
lumbar vertebrae
protects the reproductive, digestive, and excretory organs. has an auricular surface for articulation with the pelvic girdle. it articulates with the fused elements of the coccyx
an s-shaped bone that extends between the manubruim of the sternum and the acromion of the scapula
articulates with the round head of humerous at the gleniod cavity of the scapula.
articulates with the glenoid cavity of the scapula. anatomical.
____are parallel bones of the forearm. the olecranon fossa of the humerus accommodates the olecranons of the ulna during straightening of the elbow
ulna and radius.
forms two rowa, proximal and distal. from lateral to medial, the proximal row consist of scaphoid, lunate, tranqetrum and pissiform.
carpal bones
articulate with the distal carpal bones. distally articulates with the phalanges.
consist of two hip bones called the coxal bones. each hip bone forms through the fusion of three bone- ilium, ischium and pubis
pelvic girdle
the largest of the hip bone, inside the acetabulum, the hip is fused to ischium and pubis
consist of two hip bones, the sacrum, and the coccyx. maybe be subdivided into greater pelvis and lesser pelvis
the largest bone in the border. has round head articulating with the pelvis at the acetabulum and at its distal end its medial and lateral condyle articulates with tibia at the knee joint
a large sesamoid bone that forms within the tendon of the quadriceps femoris muscle group
a large medial bone of the leg. the prominent markings include tibia tuberosity, anterior margin, medial malleolus.
is a slender leg bone lateral to the tibia. the head articulates with the tibia inferior to the knee, inferior slightly posterior to the lateral tibial condyle.
includes 7 bones, only the smooth superior surface of the trochlea of the talus articulates with the tibia and fibula.
bony edges are close together and may interlock and also immovable.
Very limited movement are permitted
a wide range of movement is permitted at ____
diarthrosis or synovial joints.
are large diameter; they contain densely packed myofibrils, large glycogen reserves, and relatively few mitochondria
fast fibers
are only about half the diameter of fast fibers, and they take three times as long to contract after stimulation.
slow fibers
are very similar to fast fibers, although they have greater resistance to fatigue
intermediate fibers.
____ecompasses of all of the neural tissues in the body and two types of nervous system are
nervous system
the brain and spinal cord are___ while all of the neural tissue outside the the cns is
transmits sensory information from somatic and visceral receptor to CNS.
carries motor command to muscles and glands.
efferent neuron include ______(voluntary control over skeletal muscle contraction) and the _____(involuntary regulation of smooth muscle, cardiac muscle and glandular muscle)
___ is the largest, most numerous glial cells. It maintain blood-brain barrier to isolate the CNS from general circulation and provide structure support, regulate ion and nutrient.
___wraps CNS axons in a membrane sheath termed myelin. Gaps between the myelin wrappings along an axon are called___
myelin sheath gap
small cells with many fine cytoplasmic process. These are phagocytic cells that engulf cellular debris, waste products and pathogens
__are typically epithelial cells that lines chambers and passageway field with cerebrospinal fluid in the brain and spinal cord.
ependymal cells
neuron cell bodies of the pns are clustered into ____ and their axons from ____
Peripherial nerves
The PNS cell types are ___and ___cells
___enclose neuron cell bodies in ganglia while _____ cover all peripherial axons wether myelinated or unmyelinated
___is the cytoplasm surrounding the nucleus. it contains organelles including neurofilaments, neurotubules, and bundles of neurofilament, termed neurofibrils, which extend into dendrites and axon
specialized region of axon
axon hillock
side branches from an axon
site of intercellular communication between a neuron and another cell is known as
___form the afferent division of the PNS and deliver information from sensory receptors to the CNS
sensory neurons
__ form the efferent pathway that stimulates or modify the activity of peripheral tissue, organs, or organ system.
motor neurons.
___maybe located between sensory and motor neurons, they analyze sensory inputs and coordinate motor output.
___ are found between neurons, and a special relationship is extablished
vascular synapse
___are found between neurons in the CNS and
PNS, although they are rare
novascular synapse.
The adult spinal cord has a _____(shallow) and an ______ (wide). It includes localized enlargement(cervical and lumbar) which are expanded regions where they increased gray matter to provide innervation of the limb
posterior media sulcus
anterior media fissure
the adult spinal cord extend from the foramen magnum to L1. The spinal cord tapers to a conical tip know as the ____. While the ___ originates at this tip and extends through the vertebral canal to the second sacral vertebrae, ultimatly becoming part of the coccygeal ligaments.
conus medullaris
filum terminale
the spinal cord has 31 segments, each segment is associated with a pair of ___ and the segment pairs the ___ and ____
dosal root ganglia
dorsal root and ventral root
sensory and motor fibers units as single____distally to each dorsal root ganglion. it emerge from innervertebral foramina and are mixed nerves.
spinal nerves.
___are series of of specialize membranes that provides physical stability and shock spinal cord.
spinal meninges
_____ are membranes that surround the brain. These layers are
cranial meninges
dura mater
arachnoid mater
pia mater
is the tough, fibrous outermost layer that covers the spinal cord, caudally, it forms the coccygeal ligaments with filum terminale.
dura mater
The ___ separates the dura mater from the inner walls of the vertebral canal
epidural space
internal to the inner surface of the dura mater is the ____.When present it separates the dura mater from the middle meningeal layer, the ____.Internal arachnoid mater is the _____, which has a network of collagen and elastic fibers, the arachnoid trabuculae.
subdural space
arachnoid mater
subarachnoid space.
___the inner most meningeal layer. bounded firmly to the underlying neural tissue.
Pia mater
___are supporting fibers extending laterally from the spinal cord surface, binding the spinal pia mater and arachnoid mater to dura mater to prevent ether side-to-side or inferior movement of the spinal cord
Denticulate ligaments
The ___ detects changes in the body or external environment and pass this information to CNS. This information, called____, arrives as action potential in an afferent (sensory) fiber. The response stimulus depends on where the processing occur.
sensory receptors
sensory neurons that deliver the sensation to the CNS are termed ___. The neurons synapse on the ___ in the thalamus. The axon at the third-order or second-order crosses to the opposite side of the CNS in a process called
first-order neurons
third-order neurons
___ connects the brain to the spinal cord. it contains the ___and ___ which are are processing center, the ____which relay information from the spinal cord, cerebral cortex and brain stem to the cerebellar cortex. It reflex center includes the cardiovascular and respiratory center, control or adjust the activities of peripheral system
medulla oblongata
nucleus gracilis
nucleus cuneatus
olivary nuclei.