R: The Dumas, Stolypin's Govt., Opposition Flashcards
1st Duma
April to July 1906
Radical agenda resulted in political stalemate
–> Petr Stolypin instated by Tsarr as Chief Minister
2nd Duma
February to June 1907
Petr Stolypin as Chief minister attempted to direct agrarian reform
However even more radical, extreme left “Duma of the people’s wrath”
Arguments on land confiscation
Resulted in electoral system being skewed towards nobility and wealthy.
3rd Duma
November 1907 to June 1912
Stolypin implemented some reforms:
Education, insurance scheme for workers
4th Duma
1912 - 1914
Agricultural impact of Stolypin
30% increase of agricultural output
However, only 20% of peasants owned their land, and in the 1917 Revolution, peasants everywhere revolted and seizing land of Stolypin farmers.
Industrial impact of Stolypin
50% increase of iron and steel production
However strike at Lena gold fields (1912) was violently supressed (hudnred of deaths)
Stolypin’s agricultural reforms
- Peasants’ Land Bank
- Incentive for independent farming (leave mir, move to Serbia) –> 5 million
Stolypin’s industrial reforms
- Legalisation of trade unions
- Introduction of factory inspections and insurance
- Maximum work day shortened
How did the Dumas change? (party composition)
Trudoviks (peasant) and National Parties diminished
Moderate reformers (Octobrists, Progressivits) became susbtantial.
Right wing would increase 15x
Stolypin quote
“I am fighting against revolution but for reform”
Why did Tsar keep the Duma?
- Reputation, after the 1905 revolution
- He retained complete authority regardless