Quotes on the Russian revolution Flashcards
Tsarina feb 1917, Feb revolution
“This is a hooligan movement, young people run and shout that there is no bread, simply to create excitement, along with workers who prevent others from working.
Lenin, about a lie
“ a lie told often enough soon becomes the truth”
WW1- wood (revisionist)
“The tsar foolishly added to his own isolation by assuming personal command of the Russian army in 1915
WW1-figes ( revisionist)
“the tsarist regime’s downfall was not inevitable, but its own stupidity made it so.”
Feb rev - Adam smith
“it was not the result of military defeat, but as a result of the collapse of public support in the government.”
Oct rev- Adam ulam
“the Bolsheviks did not seize power, they picked it up.”
1905 Revolution - Trotsky 1 (Soviet)
“Although with a few broken ribs, Tsarism came out of 1905 alive and strong enough”
1905 Revolution - Trotsky 2 (Soviet)
“The events of 1905 were a prologue to the two revolutions of 1917”
Rasputin - Lynch (Liberal)
“Disease affecting Russian politics”
WW1 ( Nicholas II) - Figes (Liberal)
“Nicholas was the source of all the problems”
February Revolution - Chamberlin (Classics)
“one of the most leaderless, spontaneous, anonymous revolutions of all time.”
Lenin - Lynch (Liberal) Opponents
“He never allowed the opponents or doubters to sway him.”
Lenin - Lacquer (Liberal) Rev
“The revolution was the work of one man. Without him the revolution would not have happened.”
Provisional Government - Smith (Liberal)
“The workers had very concrete needs and expectations that the Provisional Government failed to meet.”
Lenin (famous propaganda quote)
“ peace, bread and land”
Lenin ( about soviets)
“ all power to the soviets”