Industrial Revolutions Stats And Events Flashcards
What is the open field system?
Traditional farm units where everyone had a little bit of land on the same plot
What % of land was left fallow to prevent soil exhaustion in traditional farms ?
How many acres were enclosed between 1750-1800?
7 million acres
What is the enclosure system?
Where one farmers owns large plots of land ( most smaller farmers lost their land due to this)
When was the Bank of England set up ?
What percent of woolen goods were exported EU/USA in 1750?
When was coke developed and by who ?
1709 by Abraham Darby
When and who invented the atmospheric steam engine ?
1712, Thomas Newcomen
What was coal production in 1700, 1750 an 1800?
2.5 million 1700, 5 million 1750 and 15 million in 1800 ( tonnes)
When and who invented the spinning jenny ?
1765 by James Hargreaves
What was Uk cotton cloth production in 1775 vs 1783 ?
57 000 yards in 1775,
3.5 million yards in 1783
How many turnpike trusts were passed 1750-1770?
500 acts, covering 24 000km of road
How many acts passed by parliament 1759-1774, creating canals
52 acts,
How many km of canals were there in 1800
How much did the population increase in 150 years
1700 - 5 million
1800 - 11 million
1850- 32 million
When was the new steam engine patented and by who
1769 by James Watt
When was the first water frame patented and by who
1771 by Arkwright
How many mules operated in factors in 1820?
4 million
When was the first factory built and by who ?
1769 in Derbyshire by Arkwright, operated 24 hours a day and initially employed 200
How many km of canals by 1850?
How many km of railway in 1844?
What percent was exported to colonies, EU and Asia ?
30% to colonies, 30% to EU, 20% to Asia
what percentlived in towns in 1750 vs 1850?
15% in 1750 and 75% in 1850
When was the Public Health Act passed and why ?
1848, promoted by a cholera outbreak
How much did a worker earn per week?
Unskilled men earned 70p
Men earned 2.25 pounds a week
Women/children earned 35-6p
How long was a working day ?
12-14 hours per day, six days a week
What percent did children make up of the workforce
In 1830, what is the Leeds newspaper referring to when it called for the end of Yorkshire slavery?
End of child labour
When and what was the luddite movement?
From 1811-1816, mobs broke into factories and destroyed machinery because they felt threatened by the machines
When and what was the chartist movement?
1830-48, demanded reforms for shorter work days and better working and living conditions
When and what was the Poor Law amendment Act ?
1834, intended to create a welfare system, those who needed work could go to a workhouse however it was a failure
How many people participated in the 1848 demonstrations?
50 000
When and what was the Great Reform Act ?
1832, gave the vote to middle class men, leaving working class disappointed
When was the flying shuttle invented and by who ?
John Kay 1733
When and what were the corn laws?
Passed by the prime minister lord Liverpool in 1815, it placed tariffs on certain cereal grain
When and what were the captain swing riots?
From 1830-31, farmers received threatening letters demanding an increase in wages, uprising by agricultural workers
When and what was the royal commission?
1842, it was an investigation on the employment of women and children in mines, which caused widespread dismay
When and what were cooperative societies?
Founded in 1844 by Rochdale Pioneers, to provide an affordable alternative to the poor quality food and housing
When and what was the municipal corporations act?
1835, set up police forces however they weren’t payed much attention until 1856
What was the factory act of 1833?
No child workers under nine years of age, children of 9-13 9hr day
When and what was the mines act?
1842, prohibited all underground work for women and girls, and for boys under 10, reduced working day of 9-13 year olds to 7 hours a day
What was the factory act of 1802?
Prevented apprentices working at night, 12hr day max and for them to receive basic education
What was the cotton mills act of 1819?
No child under nine years old could be employed in a cotton mill, with a maximum day of 12hrs for under 16 year olds
Why was MP Sadler important, what did he do?
He restricted the working day of under 18 to 10hrs and aimed to help children working in textile factories
Who started the people’s charter?
Francis Place and William Lovett
When and what were the combination acts
1834, forbade workers to organise for the purposes of obtaining higher wages or controlling work place conditions. ( banned trade unions in other words)