Quotes Flashcards
Witches famous line
“Fair is foul and foul is fair”
What is Macbeths first line
So fair and foul a day I have not seen
How is Macbeth described at the start
Bloody excecution
How did Macbeth kill the traitor
Cut him “from the nave to the chops”
What is banquos prophecies
“Not so”
“Lesser than Macbeth, and greater”
“Not so happy, yet much happier”
Plant metaphor quotes by Duncan
“Plant thee”
“Make thee full of growing”
How does lady Macbeth describe Macbeth as a coward in scene 5
He is “too…”
“Too full o’th milk of human kindness”
How does lady Macbeth show she wants to be a man
“Unsex me here”
What dark images spores she use in her soliloquy
“Smoke of hell”
“Direst cruelty”
Why doesn’t Macbeth want to kill Duncan
Duncan is a good king 1
Murder comes back 1
He is suppposged to protect him’2
“Clear in his great office”
“Return to plague th’inventor”
“Kinsman” “host”
What does lady Macbeth say to him to make him kill Duncan
“Be so….”
“We shall….”
“We shall not fail”
“Be so much more the man”
How does lady Macbeth show violence
“Dash’d its brains out”
What does Macbeth hallucinate
“Is this a dagger which I see before me”
How does Macbeth show guilt after killing Duncan
Blood of hands
No sleep
“Neptunes ocean” won’t clean his hand
“Macbeth does murther sleep”
Why didn’t lady Macbeth kill Duncan
She would have done it had he “not resembled my father as he slept”
How does Banquo show his suspicion, he thinks Macbeth “…”
“Play’dst most foully” for the crown
Oxymorons Macbeth uses to show guilt
“Doubtful joy”
“Restless ecstasy”
What is in Macbeths mind, what’s it full of
“Full of scorpions is my mind”
What do the witches say when Macbeth approaches
“Something wicked co,es this way”
What does the murderers call Macduff son
“Egg” and “fry”, show how young he is
How does lady Macduff show scotlands morals are broken
“To do…”
“To do harm is often laudable”
How does Macduff show his grief
2 questions
“All my pretty ones”
“All my pretty chickens?”
How does Macduff teach Malcolm masculitny isn’t just aggression
“Dispute it like a man” Malcolm says
Macduff says he’ll “feel it as a man”
What does l Macbeth try to wash away
“Out damned spot”
How is Macbeth described at the end
“Hell hound”
“Dead butcher”
Lady Macbeth flower
Look like the inoccent flower, but be the serpent under’ t