Act one Flashcards
analysis of a1s1
It starts in thunder lightning and rain, this creates a dark and violent mood
First characters are the witches, this shows how important the theme of the supernatural is in the play
The witches only speak with rhyming couplets, this makes there speech seem un natural and like a play. Only supernatural characters speak like this in the play
“Fair is foul and foul is fair” introduces theme of duality and that not everything is as it seems. It also hints at the evil of the witches
Act 1 scene 2 analysis, Duncan hears report
The scene contrasts the early eerie one, setting it in a battlefield full of brutality and “bloody execution”. This sets the violent theme seen through the rest of the play
Macbeth is still looked up to for being “brave” and “valiant”. He is still a loyal soldier at this point
“Foul is fair and fair is foul” what does this show
This warns the audience not trust the appearance of characters as even if they look good they may still be bad. At this point, we haven’t seen Macbeth and this helps create ideas of him, that though he is “brave” and “noble”, he may not be who he seems
A1s3 analysis, the witches meet Macbeth and share the prophecies
The witches are once again, accompanied with thunder, this recurring motif hints at the chaos and danger that follows them and what’s to come.
Macbeth first line repeats the witches, shows there is a link between them
“Sleep shall, neither night or day, hang upon his penthouse lid”. What is the significance of this witch line
This line is the witch saying how she sent a storm to a sailor so he can’t sleep. This is a metaphor for Macbeth and foretells his future. The sailor is him and the ship is Scotland and the storm is his guilt and violent reign
“So foul and fair a day I have not seen” what is significance of Macbeth first line
It replicates this witches “foul is fair and fair is foul” this creates the supernatural link between them.
How does Banquo react to the prophecies
His is more suspicious than Macbeth, and questions his sanity “have we eaten on the insane root”.
He also knows they are evil, warning Macbeth with “win us with honest trifles - to betrays”. He accepts them telling the truth but also knows that there must be something bad and knows they’re evil
How does Macbeth react to the prophecies
Macbeth isn’t so certain about the evil in the witches with “cannot be ill, cannot be good”.
Macbeth becomes obsessed with the prophecies, he is “rapt withal”. He wants them to be true but is also scared that his ambition will make him evil.
How is Macbeth ambition triggered in this scene
He likes the idea of becoming king, the idea of killing Duncan instantly comes to his mind but he doesn’t want to, “who’s murther is yet fantastical”. “If chance will have me king, why chance may crown me”
How does Duncan use plants in “plant thee” and “make thee full of growing” to show his kindness
This is an extended metaphor and shows he feels he should care for and nurture those who are loyal to him such as Macbeth. It also suggests Macbeth is a potential successor to him, suggesting fate might make him king
How is lady Macbeth portrayed as evil in a1s5
After reading the letter, she has no doubts about killing Duncan as she wants the power
She also uses evil imagery such as “smoke of hell” and “direst cruelty” to show the evil of her mind
What does “unsex me here show”
This is where lady Macbeth asks the spirits to get rid of her womanhood as she sees them weak and incapable of murder
What does her use of imperatives in “come, you spirits” and “come thick night” show
It makes her seem like she is casting a spell, linking her to witches and adding to her evil personality
Why do lady Macbeth and Macbeth speak in half line breaks at end of page 42
This makes there conversation seem rushed and urgent incase they’re interrupted. It also makes them seem nervous.
Scène 6 analysis
Lady macbeth makes her seem like the perfect host, a vast contrast to how she was behaving in the previous scene, this emphasises how false she is.Duncan also feels very welcome. This goes back to the “fair is foul and foul is fair”
Scène 7 analysis
It opens with Macbeth soliloquy, he is trying to decide whether to kill Duncan or not. Lady Macbeth is forceful and bullies and persuades Macbeth to kill Duncan by questioning his masculinity and says he would be “so much more the man” if he killed Duncan. This has a double meaning, he will be more of a man and he will be further than a man, a king. She also shows she is remorseless and evil by saying she would kill her child if she said so
Why does Macbeth not want to kill Duncan
He knows murder can “return to plague th’inventor”. If he is murdered, he is likely to get killed soon after.
He is Duncan’s “kinsman” and “host” so it’s his duty to protect him, not kill him
Duncan is a good ki g. He’s “clear in his great office” so if he gets killed, the country could fall apart
Macbeth knows ambition will be his downfall