Quotes Flashcards
Bentham utility principle
The principal which approves or disapproves every action whatsoever
Utility principle
The property of an action that tends to produce benefit its usefulness
Bentham hedonic calculus
Sum up all the values of pleasure on one side and all those of pain on the other
Mill on higher and lower pleasures
Better to be human dissatisfied than a pig satisfied better Socrates dissatisfied than a fool satisfied
Mill on limitations of lower pleasures
They pursue sensual indulgences to the injury of health though perfectly aware health is the greater good
Singer preference utilitarianism
Choose the course of action which brings about the best consequences on balance for all affected
Bentham on hedonism
Nature has placed mankind under the governance of two Masters pleasure and pain
Singer on self-sacrifice
An action contrary to the preference of any being is unless this preference is outweighed by contrary preferences wrong
Mill higher pleasures
Human beings have faculties more elevated than animal appetites
Singer on preference utilitarianism
judges actions by the extent to which they accord with the preferences of any beings effected
Griggs on conception
To my mind life begins at the moment of conception conception is the magical moment
Pope Pius 11 on murdering innocent
What could ever be a sufficient reason for excusing in any way the direct murder of an innocent
Pope John Paul on personhood
The human being is to be respected and treated as a person from the moment of conception
Euthanasia in the Bible
Samuel for I am in terrible pain so I killed him
Warren on birth
Birth rather than some earlier point marks the beginning of a true moral status
Unknown on viability
I believe that life begins at birth or more technically one fetus is sufficiently developed to be capable of living
Mill on independence
In the part which merely concerns himself his independent is of right absolute
Hans Kung on euthanasia
Assisted suicide can be the ultimate final form of helping in life