Quizzes and Related Questions from Sessions 7-12 Flashcards
Discuss 2 methods presented in the video lecture that you think you might be able to use in your ministry and briefly describe a plan to accomplish one of them.
Publishing your research through DVD’s, Blog posts, etc (describe a plan).
Summarize the tips for presenting research in alternate forums that are discussed in your reading of chapter 13.
Oral Presentation:
- Narrow your focus because you will most likely have a limited amout of time to share your research.
- Choose the words you use carefully as you will have listeners in your audience (not readers of your paper).
- Plan out the introduction (motivate them to listen to what you have to say), and model your conclusion after your introduction.
- Design your notes carefully and easy to follow (make a quick list, not complete sentences).
- Be prepared for questions.
- Consider using handouts if that would benefit your audience.
Poster Presentation:
-Use appropriate visuals to organize your material.
Provide explanations for graphs and tables as well as captions for graphics.
Conference Presentation:
- Answer the “So What?” of your research.
- Be sure to define any unknown vocabulary (as your listeners may not know the specifics of your research).
Summarize the spirit of research presented in chapter 14 and explain ways in which you think Christians can and should embrace this spirit and then discuss cautions that Christians should also consider.
The spirit of research is that we make a claim, based on evidence available to everyone, and hope that our readers/listeners take it at face value. Then our readers/listeners test our claims.
Christians embrace this spirit when we hear sermons at church, read commentaries, etc. We hear someone’s claim, and then test it with what we know to be true. We also use the spirit of research when we share the Gospel with others. Christians need be be aware that not all sermons, commentaries, etc. are sound. We need to be prepared to test claims agains God’s Word (evidence), and not accept claims solely based on beliefs. Christians need to also be prepared to give an answer when asked questions about what they believe. Asking questions is part of the spirit of research. Christians should be able to answer questions like, “Why do you believe that?”, and not get frustrated when that question is asked. Rather, they should welcome those questions, and calmly discuss the answers.
According to the workbook, the act of delivery sometimes feels as if you have fallen into an episode of
The best way to revise your draft is from whole to part.
True. Both for effectiveness and efficiency, looking at the big picture first and then working on the small details last is the recommended order. We stressed this in the session on revision as well.
Tell which of the following options would be the preferred sentence for your final draft. Briefly explain why.
- “During the early years of the Civil War, the South’s attempt at enlisting Great Britain on its side was met with failure.”
- “During the early years of the Civil War, the South attempted to enlist Great Britain on its side but failed.”
Option 2 is preferred because the action can be found in the verbs. Passive voice has been edited out and the information comes through clearly and directly to the reader.
According to Mrs. Bottoms, the secret to great communication is
Being determined to communicate a message. (All of the items listed can assist in communicating, but Mrs. Bottoms makes it clear that the common denominator of successful communicators is the determination to make your message heard and understood.)
According to legend, Demosthenes improved his delivery by all of the following except
practicing his speeches while standing on his head
According to Nancy Epperson, the greatest fear of modern Americans is the fear of
Public Speaking…Wow. It’s hard to believe that people fear public speaking more than they fear flying, falling, snakes, and spiders!
If you don’t memorize any other parts of your speech, lesson, or sermon, you should at least memorize the _____________________________ and the ______________________________.
introduction / conclusion
In the poem “The Author to Her Book,” Anne Bradstreet, a great American puritan poet, compared her writing to a __________________________.
child…She saw this child as needing a face wash, new clothes, etc. because she had allowed it out the door inadequately prepared for the public.
Give any one of the tips listed in your text for drafting either the final introduction or the final conclusion.
see chapter 10 of Turabian
A good final step in revising your draft is to paraphrase it for someone.
If public speaking makes your knees shake and you want to throw up, the best way to overcome your fears is to get up and do it anyway.
True…You’re right. Nothing will over come the fear like just doing what you fear.
It’s ok to work hard at making your audience feel as well as think.
True…Definitely. Pathos is a big part of persuasion.
Showing your sermon or lesson to other people for feedback improves the finished product.
True…It will help successful communicators avoid pride and stagnation as well.
It’s good to be authentic.
True…Fake people rarely communicate well (or do much of anything else well for long).
True greatness is better than and more than artificial perfection or correctness.
True…Try to be correct but aim even higher than just correctness alone.
Extra time helps foster excellence in ministry communication (and other kinds too).
True…Dr. Greear indicates that he begins preparing sermons over 6 months in advance.
True communication should result in life changes.
True…According to Dr. Greear, the reason that lost people rarely are found at church is that the preacher isn’t speaking to them. He suggests that we should address them whether they are there or not and others will begin to invite them. However, to do that, we have to spend time with them, or we won’t be picturing them as our audience as we prepare.
Communicators need to own their message.
Dr. Decker is clear that to have passion for what we say, we need to own it personally. I agree that it is a key to having power in our words. Robert Frost put it like this: “No tears in the writer, No tears in the reader.”
Communication is very hard work.
True, but it is worth the effort.
What is wrong with the parentheses section of the punctuation chart on page 125 of your workbook?
The description listed for parentheses actually fits brackets.
To indicate that something is missing from a quotation
To combine several words to form an adjective before a noun
To separate two main clauses joined by a coordinating conjunction
Quotation Marks
To identify the titles of short works
Exclamation Point
After an interjection
To indicate foreign words
Only between parts of equal grammatical rank
After an independent clause to introduce a list or quotation
To separate lines of poetry when the lines are run into the general text