Quizlet Deck Flashcards
When did Kaiser Wilhelm II become Kaiser?
15th June 1888
How many people voted SPD in 1914?
1 in 3
How many Navy Laws were there?
What did the first Navy Law say? (1898)
Germany should build 59 ships by 1904
When was Germany defeated?
11th November 1918
What was the effect of the 1917 Turnip Winter?
Average calorie intake was halved
When was the Spartacist’s Uprising?
5th January 1919
When was the Treaty of Versailles signed?
28th June 1919
What were the terms of the ToV?
Article 231: War Guilt, Demilitarisation, Loss of 15% of resources and 13% of land
When was the Weimar Republic established?
9th November 1918
Who was killed in the Spartacist’s Uprising?
Rosa Luxembourg, Karl Liebknecht, and 100 Communists
Who started the Kapp Putsch, and when did it begin?
Wolfgang Kapp, and March 1920
Why was the Ruhr occupied?
Because Germany couldn’t pay the reparations bill
What was the effect of Hyperinflation in 1923?
Bread rose from being 0.63 marks in 1918 to 201 billion marks in November 1923
When did the Munich Putsch happen?
9th November 1923
Who betrayed Hitler?
Von Karr, the head of the Bavarian Government
What did Stresseman do in Nov 1923?
Introduced the Rentenmark
What did he sign in 1924?
Dawes Plan
What did he sign in 1929?
Young Plan, lowered reparations bill to £2 billion
What did he sign in 1925?
Locarno Pact
What did he join in 1926?
League of Nations
What did he sign in 1928?
Kellogg-Briand Pact
When did the cultural Golden Age begin?
What was the name of the art movement in Weimar culture?
New Objectivity
How many seats did the Nazis have in 1928?
How much did Nazi membership rise to in 1929?
When was the Wall Street Crash?
29th October 1929
How many Germans were unemployed in 1932?
6 million
How many seats did the Nazis gain in 1933?
288, after promising ‘Brot und Arbeit’
What was the name of the Nazis’ army?
The SA
What was the problem with the President?
Hindenburg was old, influenced by army leaders, and could abuse Article 48
When was von Papen appointed Chancellor?
2nd June 1932
How many seats did the Nazis have in July 1932?
230, making them the largest party, so they passed a vote of no confidence in von Papen
What happened in the November 1932 election?
Nazis dropped seats to 196
When was von Schleicher appointed Chancellor?
5th December 1932
When did he resign?
28th January 1933
When was Hitler appointed Chancellor?
30th January 1933
When was the Reichstag Fire?
27th February 1933
What happened on 28th February 1933?
Only Nazis were allowed to campaign
When was the Enabling Act passed?
23rd March 1933
When was the Night of the Long Knives?
30th June 1934
Who was the leader of the 2 Million strong SA?
Ernst Röhm
When was the role of Führer established?
1st August 1934, a day before Hindenburg’s death
What terms did the role of Führer break?
The Constitution and the Enabling Act
What did Schact create?
New Plan (1933-36) which established Public Work Schemes, the National Labour Service (RAD) and reduced unemployment
What did Goering pass?
Four Year Plan (1936-1939), which focussed on rearmament, conscription, and preparing for war
What was the German Labour Front?
Nazi led worker’s group? Ran the Beauty of Labour (SdA) and Strength through Joy (KdF) campaigns
When did the Allies begin bombing Germany?
How many refugees did Germany have in 1944?
7 million
What happened with Jews in April 1933?
A 1 day boycott of Jews
When were the Nuremberg Laws passed?
September 1935
When was Kristallnacht?
November 9-10, 1938
What triggered Kristallnacht?
Polish Jew Grynszpan had assassinated a German minister
What happened in July 1933?
Sterilisation Law, 350,000 victims
What happened in 1939?
T4 Program, euthanising mentally ill children
How many people died in the T4 Program?
6000 children, stopped by 1941
How many teachers joined the Nazi Teacher’s Alliance?
When was the Holocaust decided on?
1942 Wansee Conference
How many Jews were killed in the Holocaust?
6 million
What did the Nazis do to control religion?
Joined the Protestant Church to make a Reich Church, signed a concordat with the Catholic Church, and set up their own Sun Church
What did the Nazis do to control women?
Encouraged the ideal mother role and set up the Honorary Cross of the German Mother Award
How did the Nazis get women back into the workforce?
Introduced a ‘duty year’ in 1937
What youth movements were there?
Hitler Youth and the Band of German Maidens, which were both made compulsory in 1936
Who was the leader of the police?
How many Gestapo were there?
How did Nazis control the judges?
National social league of jurists
Who ran the death camps?
SS -Death Heads unit