Quiz Review Flashcards
What are the four dimensions of life according to Ayurveda?
Sharira - physical body
Indriya - the senses
Manas - the mind
Atma - the soul
Name the 4 Vedas
Rig Veda
Arthava Veda
Yajur Veda
Sama Veda
What are the Shad Darshan?
The 6 systems of philosophy that explain our origin: Sāmkhya Nyāya & Vaisheshika Mimāmsa Vidānta Yoga Buddhism
What is the primary seat of Vata?
What is the primary seat of Pitta?
Small intestine
What is the primary seat of Kapha?
Fundus of the stomach
What is the primary function of Vata dosha?
The energy of motion
What is the primary function of Pitta dosha?
The energy of transformation
What is the primary function of Kapha dosha?
The binding force
Name the 7 dhatus in order of formation:
Rasa (lymph) Rakta (blood) Mamsa (muscle) Meda (fat) Asthi (bone) Majja (bone marrow) Shukra/Artava (reproductive fluid)
List the 3 great books (Brhathrayi) of Ayurveda
Charaka Samhita (Charaka, 700 BC) - Ayurveda foundation Shushrut Samhita (Shushrut, 600 BC) - Surgery Ashtanga Hrdayam (Vagbhat, 300 AD) - Therapeutics
List the 3 lesser books (Laghuttrayi) of Ayurveda
Madhava Nidana Samhita (900 CE) - Diagnosis Sharangdhara Samhita (1300 CE) - Therapeutics Bhayva Prakash (1600 CE) - Medicinal plants
Name the subdoshas of Vata
Prana Udana Samana Apana Vyana
Prana Vayu
Location: Head, brain
Movement: Downward, inward
Action: Controls the other vayus, inhalation, the senses, mind, consciousness
Imbalance: Confusion, anxiety, fear, insomnia, debilitated sense
Udana Vayu
Location: Chest, throat
Movement: Upward
Action: Controls exhalation, speech, memory recollection, the upward movements of the body
Imbalance: Problems with speech and throat, lung disorders, weak memory, indecisiveness
Samana Vayu
Location: Small intestine
Movement: Periphery to center
Action: Controls digestion, balances bodily systems. It is the meeting point of prana and apana
Imbalance: Indigestion, constipation, loss of appetite, poor absorption
Apana Vayu
Location: Colon, pelvic area
Movement: Downward, outward
Action: Controls elimination, sexual function, menstruation, downward movement in the body
Imbalance: Constipation, diarrhea, pain during menses, hormonal imbalance, urinary problems
Vyana Vayu
Location: Heart, whole body
Movement: Center to periphery
Action: Controls the heart, circulation of blood, muscular and joint movements
Imbalance: Poor circulation, heart palpitations, anxiety, motor reflex problems
Name the subdoshas of Pitta
Sadhaka Alochaka Pachaka Ranjaka Bhrajaka
Sadhaka Pitta
Location: Brain, heart
Action: Thinking, emotions, understanding
Imbalance: Anger, jealousy, hesitation
Alochaka Pitta
Location: Eyes
Action: Responsible for visual perception
Imbalance: Disorders of the eye
Pachaka Pitta
Location: Small intestine, stomach
Action: Responsible for digestion, absorption of food
Imbalance: Indigestion, hyperacidity, gastritis, nausea, peptic ulcers
Ranjaka Pitta
Location: Liver, spleen, small intestine
Action: Responsible for blood’s color, tissues, urine, feces
Imbalance, Hepatitis, jaundice, anemia, bleeding disorders
Bhrajaka Pitta
Location: Skin
Action: Responsible for skin pigmentation, luster, texture
Imbalance: Skin conditions, eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis, moles, melanoma, hives
Name the subdoshas of Kapha
Tarpaka Avalambaka Kledaka Bodhaka Shleshaka
Tarpaka Kapha
Location: Brain, cerebrospinal fluid
Action: Supports subliminal thinking and memory. Protects nervous system, nourishes brain and nervous cells
Imbalance: Lack of clarity and comprehension, loss of memory
Avalambaka Kapha
Location: Thoracic cavity
Action: Supports all Kapha systems. Lubricates and nourishes lungs, heart, spine
Imbalance: Asthma, bronchitis, pleurisy, emphysema
Kledaka Kapha
Location: Stomach (upper part - fundus)
Action: Gastic secretion, digestion and absorption. Liquefies food in the stomach, nourishes and preserves the stomach lining
Imbalance: Gastritis, indigestion, peptic ulcers
Bodhaka Kapha
Location: Mouth, tongue
Action: Moistens oral cavity. Controls taste, saliva, speech, lubricates mucus membrane
Imbalance: Receding gum, plaque, loss of taste, congestion in the throat area
Shleshaka Kapha
Location: Joints
Action: Lubricates joints, nourishes bones.
Imbalance: Rheumatoid arthritis, swollen joints
Name the Ashtanga Ayurveda (8 limbs of Ayurveda)
Internal Medicine Surgery ENT (ear, nose, throat and eyes) Pediatrics & Gynecology Toxicology Psychiatry Nutrition & Geriatrics Sexology & Reproduction
Kaya Chikitsa
Internal Medicine
Shalya Tantra
Shalakya Tantra
ENT (ear, nost, throat and eyes)
Kaumar Bhritya
Pediatrics & Gynecology
Bhuta Vidya
Nutrition & Geriactrics
Sexology & Reproduction
What are the four goals of life?
Dharma (duties, right living, purpose in life)
Artha (weath, pursuit of security)
Kāma (pursuit of enjoyment, pleasure, play)
Moksha (pursuit of freedom, liberation)
What does Dinacharya mean?
Diet and regimin for the daytime
What does Ratricharya mean?
Diet and regimin for the night
What does Ritucharya mean?
Seasonal diet and regimen
What does Ritusandhi mean?
Intersection of seasons
What are the 3 pillars of health?
Ahara (diet)
Vihara (lifestyle)
Nidra (sleep)
“Yogash chitta vritti nirodha” closely translates as:
Yoga is the cessation of the thought waves in the mind
Define “yamas” - what are the 5?
Self regulating behaviors that involve our interactions with others or the outer world: Non-violence Truthfulness Non-stealing Self control/ sexual restraint Non possessiveness/ non-greediness
Self control/ sexual restraint
Non possessiveness/ non-greediness
Define “niyamas”- what are the 5?
Personal practices that help guide you into your inner world: Purity Contentment Self discipline Self study Surrender
Self discipline
Self study
Ishvara Pranidhana
What are the Ashtanga Yoga (8 limbs of Yoga)?
Yama - restraints Niyama - observances Asana - seat/posture Pranayama - breath control Pratyahara - Withdrawal Dharana - concentration Dhyana - meditation Samadhi - super consciousness
Name the 6 Shat Karmas in Sanskrit
Neti - nasal cleaning Kapalabhati (skull shining) - head purification Tratak - gazing Dhauti - washing Nauli - stomach churning Basti - enema
In Yoga, what are the obstacles to a tranquil mind?
Samskara - latent mental impressions
Klesha - an obstacle or negative samskara which causes us pain
According to the Yoga Sutras, the “pancha kleshas” are:
Avidya - ignorance Asmita - egoism Raga - attraction Dvesha - aversion/repulsion Abhinivesha - fear of death
Name the Four Purication practices:
Nadi shodhan - alternate nostril breathing
Kapal bhati - skull shining
Agni sara dhauti - fire wash
Ashwini mudra - horse seal
Name the 3 major Nadis:
Ida - left side
Pingala - right side
Sushumna - central channel
What are the types of Srotas, how many are there?
Three for input (food, water, air)
Three for output (feces, urine, sweat)
Seven for dhatus
What are the thirteen types of Agni?
Jathar agni - main digestive fire
Bhuta agni - separates the five elements
Dhatu agni - transform dhatu into the next dhatu
What are the two types of Ojas?
Para ojas - the essential 8 drops we are born with
Apara ojas - exists in all cells, determines immunity (1 anjali)
What are the two causes of disease?
Sahaja (karmaja) - beyond our control, our birth, karma
Apathya - food/lifestyle according to our dosha
What are the hetu-traya (3 causes) that effect Apathya?
Parinama Kala - time (season, time of day, time of life)
Prajna Paradha - crimes against wisdom/intellect
Asatmya indriya artha samyoga - Excess, under, or improper use of the senses
What are the stages of disease (shat kriya kala)?
Sanchaya - accumulation of the doshas
Prakopa - vitiation/aggravation of the doshas
Prasara - overflow/spreading
Stana Samsraya - localization
Vyakti - manifestation
Bedha - complications/diversification/chronic
1st stage - Accumulation of the doshas
2nd stage - Vitiation/aggravation of the doshas
3rd stage - Overflow/spreading, doshas spread to new location
Stana Samsraya
4th stage - Localization (purvarupa), lodges in weak area of body. Birth stage of disease, initial form.
5th stage - Manifestation (rupa), full form of disease starts to show up. Able to diagnose in allopathic medicine.
6th stage - Complications/diversification, disease becomes chronic. Incurable, focus on symptoms/management.
Which Agni causes major blockages in the Srotas?
Manda agni
What does “Saama” mean?
With ama
What does “Nirama” mean?
Without ama
Define “Vipaka”
Post-digestive effect/taste
Which tastes are a type of Vipaka?
How many days does it take our food’s nourishment to result in the formation of Ojas?
36 days
What is the total duration of the three states of digestion?
4.5 to 7 hours
Define “Ahara”
Define “Agni deepana”
Herbs that stimulate agni
Define “Ama pachana”
Herbs that digest ama
Madhura taste
Sweet - earth and water
Amla taste
Sour - earth and fire
Lavana taste
Salty - water and fire
Katu taste
Pungent - fire and air
Tikta taste
Bitter - air and ether
Kashaya taste
Astringent - air and earth
Define “Rasa”
Define “Virya”
Heating or cooling
Define “ Viruddha Anna”
Incompatible diet
Define “Satmya”
A thing, substance or habit that is useful for the body
Define “Asatmya”
A thing, substance or habit that is harmful to the body
Define “Dravyaguna”
A substance
Primary action of Pungent taste
Stimulates digestion and metabolism
Primary action of Sour taste
Cleanses tissues, increases absorption of minerals
Primary action of Astringent taste
Absorbs water, tightens tissues, dries fat
Primary action of Bitter taste
Detoxifies and lightes tissues
Primary action of Salty taste
Improves taste to food, lubricates tissues, stimulated digestion
Primary action of Sweet taste
Builds tissues, calms nerves
What is “Manas Prakruti”?
Mental constitution
Definte the “Buddhi” state of the mind
Decision-making ability and descrimination
Define the “Ahamkara” state of the mind
Ego: A world of devision between you and me
Define the “Manas” state of the mind
The sensory processing mind that interacts with the external world
Define the “Chitta” state of the mind
Stores memories from our current and past lives
Define “Asmita”
Define “Dvesha”
Define “Abhinivesha”
Fear of death or attachment to life
Define “Raga”
Define “Avidya”
What is “Prabhava”?
Unique effect of herb or food on the individual
Define “Rogi”
The patient
Define “Nidana”
The etiology or cause of the disease
Define “Rupa/Roopa”
Symptoms of the disease
Define “Samprapti”
Manifestation of the disease
Define “Nidan”
Cause of the disease
Define “Upashaya”
Analysis of the treatment of the disease
Define “Purvaroopa”
Warning signs before symptoms of the disease
Define “Ashtavidh Pariksha”
The eightfold method of evaluation: Physical shape and build Stools Urine Tongue Vision Pulse Touch Voice
Physical shape and build
Pulse rate, rhythm
Pitta pain is:
Aggravated by pressure
Kapha pain is:
Dull, vague
Vata pain is:
Radiating, spasmodic
What are the Panchakarmas/ Five actions?
Vamana - Medicated emesis (vomiting) Virechana - Medicated purgation (diarrhea) Basti - Medicated enema Nasya - Nasal medication Raktamoksha - Bloodletting
Define “Purvakarma”
Preparatory procedures done before main procedures of Panchakarma
Define “Pradhankarma”
The main therapies of panchakarma
Define “Pashchatkarma”
The after care of panchakarma: kindles agni, strengthens dhatus, restores energy and strength
Stages of Purvakarma:
- Ama-pachana (ama-digesting herbs)
- Agni deepana (herbs/diet to strengthen agni)
- Snehana (internal/external oleation)
- Swedana (sweating/ heat therapies)
Maximum length of time of Oleation
7 days
What are the contraindications of Panchakarma?
When a person is very old, weak or pregnant