Disease and limbs of Ayurveda Flashcards
What are the Ashtanga Ayurveda (8 limbs of Ayurveda)?
Kaya chikitsa (Internal Medicine) Shalya tantra (Surgery) Shlakya tantra (Opthamology & ENT) Kaurmarbhritya / Bala roga (Pediatrics) Bhuta vidya (Psychiatry) Agad tantra / Danshtra (Toxicology) Rasayana tantra (Geriatrics) Vajkarana tantra (Science of fertility & verility)
Kaya Chikitsa
Internal medicine - treatment of body through use of ayurvedic medicines internally or externally
Shalya Tantra
Surgery - management of diseases caused by shalya (harmful foreign particles)
Shalakya Tantra
Opthamology & ENT - Treatment of most diseases of eyes, ear, nose and throat
Bhuta Vidya
Psychiatry - Diseases acquired/inherited from unknown causes
Agad Tantra / Danshtra
Toxicology - Knowledge of toxins posionous animals and management of toxicological problems
Rasayana Tantra
Geriatrics - Any medicine, material or behavior which enhance longevity and slows down the process of aging ; deals with prevantative heal care
Vajikarana Tantra
Science of fertility & virility - management and treatment of sexual disorders
What is the natural cycle of the doshas?
Sanchaya - Prakopa - Prashama
Accumulation - Aggravation - Palliation
Source of disease in Ayurveda including subfactors
Sahaja (karmaja): Beyond our control
Apathya: Improper diet/lifestyle
- Parinama (kala): Time (season, time of day, age)
- Prajna Paradha (buddhi): Intellect
- Asatma indriya artha samyog: senses/faulty sense perception/sensorial stress
(karmaja) - Cause of disease that is:
- Beyond our control
- Genetic/karmic/inherent
- Includes disabilities/ differently-abled
- Our birth situation
* Can be managed but not cured
Cause of disease that is:
- Due to improper diet/lifestyle according to our dosha
- These types of diseases are curable
- 3 factors/causes of apathya - hetu-traya:
- Parinama (kala)
- Prajna Paradha (buddhi)
- Asatmya indriya artha samyoga
Parinama (kala)
One of three hetu-traya (3 causes) that affect apathya and cause disease.
- Time (season, time of day, age, weather)
- Ecological stress
Prajna Paradha
One of three hetu-traya (3 causes) that affect apathya and cause disease.
- Crime against wisdom/mistaken intellect
- Doing something you know is not good for you
- Cognitive stress
Asatma indriya artha samyoga
One of three hetu-traya (3 causes) that affect apathya and cause disease.
- Sensorial stress
- Imbalance of sensory perception/object
- Ways senses get imbalanced:
- Ayog/Heen - Under use, no input/not enough
- Atiyog - Excess use, too much input
- Mittyayog - Improper use, wrong type of input