quiz questions 1-4 Flashcards
How should we view things in dark field?
Open the iris all the way
When using the 40X objective on the microscopes in the lab, what is the total magnification?
Instead of isolating Azotobacteria, aerobic nitrogen-fixing bacteria, Karen wants to isolate an anaerobic, nitrogen-fixing bacteria. How should she change the enrichment conditions?
Keep the bacteria in a closed container, the aerobic bacteria will use up all the oxygen then die, leaving the anaerobic bacteria.
Which molecule can be used as a terminal electron acceptor during anaerobic respiration?
mannitol salts agar
Endospore formation is a type of reproduction.
A () cell undergoes sporulation to form an endospore, when conditions improve, the endospore can ()
- Vegetative, 2. germinate
No color change after adding doing the nitrate test, except when zinc is added.
Negative test result, micrococcus cannot break down the nitrate or do denitrification
What is the gram morphology for staph aureus?
Gram positive cocci
What characteristic of Pseudomonads are we using to enrich for them?
Pseudomonads can metabolize a very large range of substances, which is why we are using either acetate or arginine. They are also obligate aerobes, which is why they are being grown aerobically.
How do purple non sulfur bacteria function?
Can be chemoheterotrophs and phototrophs
colony morphology of azotobacteria?
slimy appearance
The presence of what key enzyme characterizes Pseudomonads?
cytochrome C oxidase
Main difference between industrial bread processing and starter culture
Sourdough starters contain a collection of wild yeast and bacteria present on the grains, while yeast used for industrial bread production is a monoculture of Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
What is/are the purpose(s) of salt in sauerkraut production?
To inhibit the growth of microorganisms, to draw sugar containing juices out of the cabbage for fermentation