Quiz Part 1 & 2 Flashcards
She is the proponent of the 14 fundamental needs theory.
Virginia Henderson
The phase when the nurse helps the individual to recognize and understand his/ her problem and determine the need for help.
This is where the nurse permits exploration of feelings to aid the patient in undergoing illness as an experience that reorients feelings and strengthens positive forces in the personality and provides needed satisfaction.
The phase where the patient identifies with those who can help him/her.
She defined person as any individual who is receiving help from a member of the health profession or from a worker in the field of health.
Ernestine Wiedenbach
The phase when the individual has a felt need and seeks professional assistance.
She stated the the unique function of the nurse is to assist the individual, sick or well, in the performance of activities contributing to health or its recovery.
Virginia Henderson
She described nursing as significant therapeutic, interpersonal process.
Hildegard E. Peplau
It is defined as a helping profession from Abdellah’s Theory.
She described health as a word symbol that implies forward movement of personality and other ongoing human processes in the direction of creative, constructive, productive, personal, and community living.
Hildegard E. Peplau
This is one of the Nursing Theorist who Published Interpersonal Relations in Nursing in 1952?
Hildegard E. Peplau
The phase when nurse and patient meet as two strangers.
According to her, the purpose of Nursing is to educate and be a maturing force so that the patient (person) gets a new view of himself given the need that he has presented.
Hildegard E. Peplau
She described person as an organism that “strives its own way to reduce tension generated by needs.
Hildegard E. Peplau
Nursing theorist that is the proponent of Typology of Nursing Problems.
Faye Glenn Abdellah
It defines the function of the nurse as helping the patient identify health related positive goals.
Goal - Attainment theory
This is where the nurse uses a nursing framework to collect both subjective and objective data about the patient.
She is the proponent of Dynamic Nurse - Patient Relationship Model.
Ida Jean Orlando
Imogene King’s “goal attainment theory” is a type of:
Interaction theory
The role of the nurse stated in the theory of Nursing Process is_____.
Find out and meet the patient’s immediate needs for help.
It is a system when both the nurse and patient engage in meeting self-care needs.
Partially Compensatory
It is the practice of activities that individual initiates and perform on their own behalf in maintaining life, health, and wellbeing.
The Theory of Nursing process is authored by:
Ida Jean Orlando
Who is the proponent of the goal - attainment theory?
Imogene King
She claims that nursing function is to identify deficit on patient’s ability to care for themselves and assist the patient to restore that ability and achieve independence.
Dorothea Orem
There are three main systems in the theory of goal attainment. What system describes about the uniqueness of human being?
Personal system
This stage uses the nurse’s clinical judgment about health problems.
This stage is where the nurse begins using the nursing care plan.
It is the system that requires assistance decision.
Supportive - Educative
It is a system when the nurse is expected to accomplish all the patient’s therapeutic self - care.
Wholly Compensatory