Quiz Number 2 And Things Like It Flashcards
What is the proper order technique to examine the abdomen?
Inspection, auscultation, percussion, palpation
Things to looks at on inspection
Overall appearance
- contours, bulges
- movement: peristalsis, pulsation
- skin
- umbilicus
What information does auscultation provide us with
Bowel motility
What do you always do before percussion/palpation and why
-if you start palpating you might mess up the bowel sounds
Normal bowel sound on auscultations
5-34 clicks and gurgles per minute
Changes of bowel movements and auscultation
Any type of illness (inflamamtion;l diarrhea, etc)
Bruits on auscultation of bowel
Noticeable in HTN or some blockage, turbulent flow
Friction rubs on aucultation of bowel
Liver and spleen
-can happen in infection, cancer, infarction around these organs
What information does percussion tell us
Amount of distribution of gas in the abdomen and viscera
- masses (solid, fluid filled)
- size (liver, spleen)
Tympany vs dullness on percussion of abdomen
Left side with by tympani and the right side will have dullness
Palpation tells us what information
- tenderness
- muscular resistance (infection, guarding)
- masses and superficial organs
Light palpation
- one hand and forearm on horizontal plane
- fingers together and flat
- palpate with light gentle dipping motion
- raise it just off the skin as you switch to the next quadrant
Deep palpation
- two hands and forearm on horizontal plane
- fingers together and flat
- palpate with deep gentle dipping motion
- raise it just off the skin as you switch to the next quadrant
- this lets us detect liver edge, kidneys, abdominal masses
Percussion of the liver
We can get an estimate of the size of the liver this way
- measure vertical span of liver dullness in right midclavicualr line
- light moderate percussion
- start under umbilicus in RLQ percussing upwards
- stop at midclavicualr line where the border is
- move from nipple line downward
- stop at midclavicualr line again finding upper border
- measure distance between the two points
Normal liver on palpation
Soft, sharp, regular with a smooth surface
Hooking technique for palpating the liver
Used in obese
Dullness of percussion of spleen
Positive plenty pressure sound
How common is it to be able to palpate the spleen?
Not very
Only 5% of adults can you feel it on
When is the spleen more palpable
When there are abnormal findings
-8x more likely if palpable
When should you be able to palpate a normal bladder
Only if bladder is disenteded
Cannot feel the bladder in normal people
Risk factors for AAA
First degree relative