quiz ni colette Flashcards
basically the parts or elements used in the making of any electrical construction project, developed and constructed for certain purposes
electrical materials
control the flow of current in an electrical circuit; carry electrical current from the source to the load or current consuming apparatus; hold and secure wires to its fixtures inside and outside certain places
electrical materials
Classification of Electrical Materials through Electrical Conductivity
conductors, insulators, semiconductors, superconductors
an object or type of material that permits the flow of electric charges from one particle to another
materials that impede the free flow of electrons
particles do not permit the free flow of electric charges
materials that exhibit behavior somewhere between that of conductors and that of insulators
present very low resistance to the flow of current
conduct very little current even when a large potential difference is applied
exhibits intermediate conductivity
has more available charge carriers than an insulator but fewer than a conductor
can be used in the fabrication of resistors, capacitors, inductors, and transistors
based on integrated circuits which can combine millions or even billions of transistors into one small package
when they are at critical temperature, they suddenly become the perfect conductors
material’s resistance is zero
usually between absolute zero and 10 Kelvin
critical temperature
Classification of Electrical Components
active components, passive components
components that supply and control energy
active components
components that respond to the flow of electrical energy and can dissipate or store energy
passive components
an electrical component that restricts the flow of current in the circuit
a two-terminal linear passive component made from two conductive plates with an insulator between them
it stores electrical energy when an electrical charge is forced onto its terminals from a power source
maintains the charge even after getting disconnected from the power source
a two-terminal passive electrical component; also known as coil or reactor
stores electrical energy in the form of magnetic energy
comprises a conductor, commonly wound into a coil
consists of three terminals made of semiconductor material
controls the flow of voltage or current and acts as a switch for electronic signals
used to break the circuit
interrupting the current and to supply the current from one conductor to another conductor
works with the “on” and “off” mechanisms
made from a semiconductor material that allows current to flow in one direction
diode/light-emitting diode (LED)
blocks the current which tries to go against the flow in a wire
diode/light-emitting diode (LED)
a material or a piece of wire which is used to protect the components from destruction due to the excessive current flowing through them
used to connect two or more devices
electrical wire/cable
enables the transfer of electrical signals or power from one device to the other
electrical wire/cable
a passive electrical device consisted of two coils of wire linked by an iron core or transformer core
transfers electrical energy between two or more circuits
used to convert chemical energy into electrical energy through electrochemical discharge reactions
converts mechanical energy into electrical energy by electromagnetic induction
Types of Electrical Generator
Dynamo, Alternator
creates direct current using a commutator
converts mechanical energy to electrical energy in the form of alternating current
Electrical Measuring Instruments
ammeters, voltmeters, ohmmeters, wattmeters
Classifications of Electrical Measuring Instruments
Absolute Instruments, Secondary Instruments
instruments that give the value of quantity to be measured in terms of the physical constants of the instruments and their deflection only, not measurable on a graduated scale
Absolute Instruments
instruments that are calibrated and directly give the value of quantity to be measured
Secondary Instruments
Types of Secondary Instruments
Indicating Instruments, Recording Instruments, Integrating Instruments
instruments that are fitted with a pointer which moves over a calibrated scale and indicates the electric quantity to be measured directly on the scale
Indicating Instruments
instruments that record the electrical quantity to be measured on a graph paper for a desired period
Recording Instruments
instruments that measure the total quantity of electricity consumed in a circuit given time
Integrating Instruments
measures electric current
to measure current, it is inserted in series with the circuit being tested
addition of this increases the resistance of the circuit by an amount equal to the internal resistance of the meter
used to measure the potential difference or voltage of a circuit
instrument to determine resistance
consists of a battery, a meter movement calibrated to read ohms, and a resistor
a single instrument capable of measuring voltage, resistance, and current
most common multimeter
volt-ohm-milliammeter (VOM)
measure electrical quantities of current and voltage that change in amplitude and direction periodically with time
AC meters
for higher frequencies, the AC quantities are first converted to DC and then applied to a __________
D’Arsonval Movement
simplest type of AC voltmeter
half-wave rectifier circuit
one way of improving the sensitivity of a rectifier type of ac meter
full-wave rectification
an instrument that measures DC power or real AC power
uses fixed coils to indicate current in the circuit and movable coil to indicate voltage
rated in terms of its maximum current, voltage, and power