Quiz Four - MFChp5, MEChp11, EuroChp1,5,6,7,8, NCEAChp2,3p Flashcards
What are the 5
Couperose Skin Treatment objectives?
Calm Vast-Instrict
Normaliza PH
What are the 6
Sensitive Skin Treatment objectives?
Calm Irritation
Insulate & Protect
Restore Barrier
Normalize PH
What are the 6
Alipidic Skin Treatment objectives?
Insulate & Protect
Restore Barrier
Insulate Peripheral Circulation & Metabolism
Normalize PH
What is Imbibition?
swelling of horny layer, steam does this to skin
What are Hydrophobic Fats?
intercellular cement, prevents TWEL
What are Hydrophilic Fats?
Fats in sebum & sweats Hyper Lipid Layer, moisture from air
Horny Assimilation is…
skin interacts to products, self tanner
Transcutaneous Absorption…
fancyword for how essential oils and hormones can absorb/blood stream
Erythema is…
Telangiectasia is…
spider veins, damaged capillaries, nose and cheeks
Rosacea is…
medical condition, butterfly shape redness on face
Hyperemia is…
chronic redness
Anagen is…
where you get long term hair reduction
Telogen is…
Resting hair stage
What is Trichology?
study and science of hair
Biofilms are NOT…
highly susceptible to the body’s defense mechanisms
True or False?
Antiseptics generally contain a high volume of ammonia to slow the growth of microbes.
Which of the following characteristics refer to the CLEANING step of infection control? (USL)
ultrasonic unit
Significantly reduces pathogens on a surface
Lowest level of decontamination
Which of the following characteristics refer to the DISINFECTING step of infection control? (DGS)
Destroys most bacteria and some viruses
Second only to sterilization
Human papilloma virus
What can spread from person to person through blood and, less often, through other bodily fluids
Herpes simplex virus
Disease that breaks down the body’s immune system
Highly resistant to conventional treatments such as antibiotics
Causes AIDS
Acquired immune deficiency syndrome
Initially appears as a skin infection that can be difficult to cure and becomes systemic without proper care
The presence, or the reasonably anticipated presence, of blood or other potentially infectious materials on an item’s surface, or visible debris or residues
such as dust, hair, and skin
A condition in which the tissue of the body reacts to injury, irritation, or infection
Various poisonous substances produced by some microorganisms (bacteria or viruses)
Nonscientific synonym for disease-producing organisms
submicroscopic particle that infects and resides in the cells of a biological organism. =>
Resist antiseptics, antimicrobials, and disinfection through a sticky matrix substance.
Multiply best in warm, dark, damp, or dirty places. =>
Tuberculosis is transmitted through
There are BLANK
of different kinds of bacteria, which fall into BLANK
primary type(s).
thousands; two
How can you prevention of the spread of infections?
It is easy when you know the proper procedures to follow
Because clients who are just getting sick can be contagious without showing any signs of infection, they are considered to be BLANK
A microorganism is any
organism of microscopic size
True or False That most bacteria are nonpathgenic?
There can be no bacterial infection without the presence of BLANK
pathogenic bacteria
Bleach used in the salon or spa must be EPA registered …..
As disinfectant
BLANK is mostly used to remove visible dirt.
True or False: Use disinfectants directly on dirty, soft, porous surfaces is a cautionary tips to consider when handling disinfectants
True or False: Phenolic disinfectants are known carcinogens.
It can be accurately said that pathogenic bacteria cause BLANK
disease or infection
If you drop a tool or implement on the floor during a service, you should BLANK
replace immediately or disinfect the tool prior to continuing the service
An EPA-registered disinfectant MUST….
have word concentrate
Disinfectants are NOT BLANK
able to destroy all bacteria
What is the difference between respiratory droplets and airborne transmission?
Respiratory droplets do not stay in the air as long
When handling disinfectants, NEVER BLANK
place them in unmarked containers
Single-celled organisms that grow in irregular masses and include molds, mildews, and yeasts.
Colonies of microorganisms that adhere to environmental surfaces, as well as the human body.
Most often spread through contact with blood or other body fluids.
Head lice is an example of these and is responsible for pediculosis capititis, among other diseases.
Staphylococci are among the most common examples of these that affect humans.
Ringworm is one example, afflicting the skin with circular lesions.
Scabies is a skin condition caused by the itch mite, one example of these.
BLANK is an example of direct transmission (SS)
Shaking hands without washing
Spreads MRSA & warts
BLANK is an example of airborne/respiratory droplet transmission
Coughing, sneezing, talking
BLANK is an example of indirect transmission (CDPW)
Contact intermediate object,
work surfaces
BLANK is NOT caused by a virus.
Strep throat
True or False: When assisting a client into or out of a hydraulic treatment table you should always lower the table to its lowest level
What are the guidelines published by the CDC that employees and employers agree to with the assumption that any human blood or body fluids are potentially infectious?
Standard precautions
Setting BLANK is more likely to be governed by state regulatory agencies rather than federal regulatory agencies.
guidelines for licensing
What is NOT true of staphylococcus?
Most strains make us very ill
Quat solutions usually take BLANK to disinfect implements?
10 minutes
The EPA most likely be involved in regulating BLANK? (MC)
Safe manufacture of chemical products used
It is NOT required that disinfectants used in salons and spas must be…?
What happens when an individuals immune system prevents tramsmissions?
prevents illness
After removing one pair of gloves and before putting on a new pair, you should….
wash your hands
What refers to disifecting step of infection control?
destroys most bacteria and some viruses
When a surface is properly cleaned, the number of contaminants on the surface is BLANK (GR)
greatly reduced
To understand trabnsnissions is to understand BLANK
process by which pathogens move between individuals