quiz dec 10 Flashcards
hydrothermal vents?
communities clustered near jets of superheated water blasting from rift vents in more than 3,000 m below the surface.
Give some examples of shoreline marine communities
communities found in the narrow coastal strip where the land meets the sea. They are characterized by
constantly changing physical conditions
What are coral reefs? What are zooxanthellae?
Coral reefs are densely populated but they mean only the 1% of tropical
waters (surface to 90 m)
Zooxanthellae: Tiny, symbiotic dinoflagellates that provide oxygen, glucose, and the necessary pH to enhance calcium deposition to the coral
What length do kelp forests reach?
kelp:62 m
What is a mangrove swamp?
coastal wetlands located in tropical and subtropical zones; characterized by salt-tolerant trees and shrubs, such as mangrove trees
What is an estuary and what are its functions?
1) Habitat 2) Nursery 3) Fisheries 4) Recreation 5) Water purification 6) Flood control (from upstream) 7) Buffer land from hurricanes, absorb storm surge
What happens to bleached corals?
when temperatures go above normal, the zooxanthellae (algae) in the coral can be rejected, the coral turns a whitish color and dies
What is brackish water?
mix of salt and fresh water
What are benthic organisms? Where can benthic communities be found?
Benthic organisms: organisms that live associated to the bottom, on or in the seafloor
We can classify benthic environments depending on their depth and distance to the coast: Shoreline/intertidal (Rocky intertidal zones/Sand
beaches/Salt marshes/estuaries/mangroves), shallow water (Kelp forests/sea grass meadows/coral reefs), and deep sea (Hydrothermal
vents/cold seeps/whale falls)
How is an individual coral animal called?
What are some common features of marine mammals?
- Streamlined body shape
- Generate and conserve internal body heat • Modified respiratory system
- Osmotic adaptations
What are some examples of deep-sea communities?
vents/cold seeps/whale falls
What is the steppingstone theory?
Whale carcasses may provide “stepping stones” for vent organisms to drift from one carcass to the next until a new
or newly active vent is reached
Where are mangroves located? What characterizes them?
located in tropical and subtropical zones; characterized by salt- tolerant trees and shrubs, such as mangrove trees
cold seep communities
in places on the seafloor where cold hydrocarbon-rich water escapes, chemosynthetic bacteria use the methane and
hydrogen sulfide present in the seep water as an energy source and constitute the base of the trophic chain.
salt marshes?
often form in estuaries (broad shallow river mouth where freshwater and saltwater mix), with reduced wave shock (surf blocked by long sand bars)
sand and cobble beach communities?
Hostile environment for smaller organisms. Rough sand particles get into soft tissue and wear away protective shells. Difficulty separating food from sand particles and keeping away from predators and waves. Rounded rocks on cobble beaches crush small organisms. Not as much biodiversity as rocky shores – 1) Not much habitat diversity 2) Sand dries out at low tide 3) No much food
muddy bottomed salt marshes?
the most active benthic communities
High primary productivity because of high nutrient availability
tidal pools?
pools of salty water uncovered during the low tides that can contain fauna and flora usually found in the lower or under the lower intertidal
rocky internal zone?
Band between the highest high-tide and lowest low-tide marks on a rocky shore. High, abundance and density. Impacted
by rising and falling tide, and wave shock. Rapid change of temperature / osmotic shocks if freshwater from storms. Strong competition and fight for the space