Quiz 9 Flashcards
According to the Manual of Operation, Volume 4, a service which if not made would cause damage to persons or property or could seriously hamper the emergency operations of the Department subdivision involved.
Emergency Service
According to the Manual of Operation, Volume 4, shop towels are also known as what ?
Red Rags
According to the Manual of Operation, Volume 4, shop towels shall be tied in bundles of ______, tagged with duplicate F-175 tags, and forwarded to Battalion Headquarters or designated station?
According to the Manual of Operation, Volume 4, the repair of Department issued office equipment shall be arranged through the?
Building Administration Section
According to the Manual of Operation, Volume 4, turnout pants and turnout coats shall be forwarded to the Department’s authorized vendor _______ to be cleaned.
According to the Manual of Operation, Volume 4, members are issued one pair of each type of safety boot. Boots are replaced when they wear out. Normally, it is expected that each boot will last how long ?
3 years
According to the Manual of Operation, Volume 4, an emergency repair is defined as all of the following except ?
-All accident repairs that require immediate attention
-Repairs which are required at the scene of a large-scale emergency
-If not repaired could result in injury to persons or damage to equipment
-Check engine light comes on while pumping to an auto fire
According to the Manual of Operation, Volume 4, apparatus shall only be towed in the following circumstances EXCEPT ?
-The apparatus cannot be operated safely.
-The apparatus cannot be operated legally.
-A request for field repair has been denied or the field mechanic is unable to repair the apparatus.
-The repair is emergency and the apparatus is out of quarters.
According to the Manual of Operation, Volume 4, any cylinder with more than forty _____ pounds of pressure is considered hazardous material ?
According to the Manual of Operation, Volume 4, apparatus are required to carry shipping papers and these papers must be available in the cab during transport, when transporting how many pounds of material ?
According to the Manual of Operation, Volume 4, any apparatus carrying _______ pounds or more of cylinders, including their contents, must be placarded, showing the type of cylinder being hauled ?
According to the Manual of Operation, Volume 4, requests for alterations, improvements, additions, or installations to any Fire Department facility shall be submitted on an F-225 and forwarded, through channels, to who ?
Respective Bureau Commander
According to TB # 99, River Rescue - First Responder, What is the ideal inflation pressure of 2 1/2” hose?
According to TB # 99, River Rescue - First Responder, What actions are first responders limited to?
Land based rescue options
According to TB 099 - River Rescue - First Responder, a list in order of the swift water rescue options from low-risk to high-risk is
Communication, Floatation, Reach, Throw, Row, Go, Tow, Helo
According to TB 099 - River Rescue - First Responder, The victim shall utilize a ferry angle, what is the best answer?
Angling body 45 degrees against the current with head point toward “target” river bank
According to TB 099 - River Rescue - First Responder, INFLATED FIRE HOSE, The preferred hose for this evolution is ___________ (maximum) of 2-1/2 inch firefighting hose and The ideal inflation pressure is ________ psi
50’-100’ and 50-60 PSI
According to TB 099 - River Rescue - First Responder, The use of ___________ has proven itself to be one of the fastest and most versatile rescue efforts?
Throw Bags
According to TB 099 - River Rescue - First Responder, What best describes “River right”?
The right side of the river looking downstream
According to TB 099 - River Rescue - First Responder, specialized protective gear includes? BEST ANSWER
Lightweight helmet, lightweight footwear, lightweight layering
TB 099 - River Rescue states that member safety is the most important factor in any rescue operation. This is especially true when there is a risk of rescuers falling into moving water. Due to this hazard, specialized protective gear is mandatory for rescuers in two cases: l. In any position where an inadvertent action may cause a member to fall into the water (e.g., sloped banks of tapered channels).2. In all cases where a member is WITHIN __ FEET OF THE WATER.
According to TB 116 - Metro Heavy Rail Lines, The trains are propelled by four traction motors per car, operated from _________ Volts direct current (VDC). Each train’s power is supplied by the contact rail _____________, which supplies all power for traction motors
750, third rail
According to TB 116 - Metro Heavy Rail Lines, To shut off battery power, locate the battery box on the “___” car, open hatch and flip the trip switch
According to TB 116 - Metro Heavy Rail Lines, Each car can seat _____ passengers, and has one wheelchair space, but can accommodate a total of _____ passengers in a standing “crush load.”
59, 220
According to TB 116 - Metro Heavy Rail Lines, All doors can be manually opened in an emergency from inside the car by pulling downward on the emergency red ball just above each set of doors. Listed below are the methods to gain entry from outside of the train EXCEPT
-Open the access panel next to the center doors on each car, on either side of the
-Operate the External Emergency Door Handle, which must be pulled to release system air
-Wait 3 seconds, and then manually separate the doors. This will only release the center doors
-Wait 10 seconds, and then manually separate the doors. This will only release the center doors.
According to TB 116 - Metro Heavy Rail Lines, The DWP power station room is energized with ______ volts and should ________ be entered by Fire Department personnel
34,500, NOT
According to TB 116 - Metro Heavy Rail Lines, The EMP is located on the wall in the ______________ and is directly adjacent to a Fire Department lock box, containing keys to the EMP and all station sites
Mezzanine Level
According to TB 116 - Metro Heavy Rail Lines, There will be an ETS at each end of the station for each track. What does ETS stand for?
Emergency Trip Station
According to TB 116 - Metro Heavy Rail Lines, Each ETS contains the following EXCEPT
-An Emergency Telephone (ETEL) to communicate with ROC or the EMP. The ETEL is a push-button device that will give the operator direct communication with the ROC.
-A Fire Department telephone (FTEL) - found from Union Station to Westlake/MacArthur Park Station
-A mapped diagram of the platform level
-A deluge sprinkler control switch to activate sprinklers under the trains (in the stations), in the event of a fire
-A trip-switch to disconnect power to a segment of the third rail
According to TB 116 - Metro Heavy Rail Lines, The Fire Department has eight radio channels that are operational through a special antenna system within the Metro Rail Tunnel. Any channel that has direct mode available can be used in the tunnel in direct mode within line of sight. The following channels are the ONLY channels that work in the repeat mode: What are those channels?
According to TB 116 - Metro Heavy Rail Lines, what does the acronym ROC stand for?
Rail Operations Control
TB 116 - Metro Heavy Rail Lines states that all doors can be manually opened in an emergency from inside the car by pulling downward on the emergency _________ just above each set of doors
red ball
TB 116 - Metro Heavy Rail Lines states after placement of the grounding strap by _______ personnel, or the disconnection of power by trip switch use, consideration should be given to checking third-rail power with the voltmeter carried on Fire Department apparatus.
TB 116 - Metro Heavy Rail Lines states in the event of any possible tunnel evacuation, there are a total of 93 cross passages staggered at approximately ____-foot intervals throughout the tunnel
TB 116 - Metro Heavy Rail Lines states that all cross passages have the following except:
-a BLS
-Emergency Telephone (ETEL)
-Fire Department telephone (FTEL)
-emergency exit that leads to the street
-2 1/2” fire department connection
- According to DB 13-04, Dangers of Vacant/Abandoned Buildings, the the definition of an abandoned building is
A building where there is no clear owner/landlord or responsible party that can be easily reached
According to DB 13-04, Dangers of Vacant/Abandoned Buildings, fires in these types of structures are usually caused by
arson or warming fires
According to DB 13-04, Dangers of Vacant/Abandoned Buildings, the Fire Department will place these _________ placards on at least ____ sides of this structure to alert incoming fire companies. The Fire Department will provide and install these placards at no cost to the property owner
24” X 30”; 2
According to DB 13-04, Dangers of Vacant/Abandoned Buildings, who is responsible for posting placards on vacant/abandoned buildings?
Field Personnel
DB 13-04, Dangers of Vacant/Abandoned Buildings states that the following symbols shall be used to designate known hazards on the vacant/abandoned building marker. All that apply shall be placed directly above the placard. Which of the following is NOT an approved symbol?
-S/M - Stairs, steps and landing missing
-H/F - Holes in floor
-F/E - Avoid fire escapes
*-L/A - Limited access-
-R/O - Roof open
According to DB #15-11 - RISK MANAGEMENT POLICY AND FIREFIGHTER EMERGENCY/ MAYDAY PROCEDURES, The following situations require the immediate initiation of a “Mayday” call EXCEPT:
-Separated from Crew / “Lost” (Firefighter Missing)
-Injured and/or Disabled (Firefighter Down)
-Trapped, Pinned, and/or Entangled in Debris (Firefighter Trapped)
-Malfunction of Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) or activation of a Low Air Alarm in an IDLH and unable to reach an exit safely.
*-Any life threatening condition that cannot be resolved in 60 seconds-
S hield your airway
According to DB #15-11 - RISK MANAGEMENT POLICY AND FIREFIGHTER EMERGENCY/ MAYDAY PROCEDURES, members can communicate this information by using “EMERGENCY TRAFFIC” on the radio to identify the situation, what answer is best?
In the event of an extraordinary hazard, or a sudden change in conditions that creates an imminent danger to personnel
According to DB #15-11 - RISK MANAGEMENT POLICY AND FIREFIGHTER EMERGENCY/ MAYDAY PROCEDURES, ___________which is common language, shall be used to notify personnel working on-scene of a “MAYDAY” situation that a firefighter accident or emergency has occurred. Fill in the Blank.
“Clear Text”
According to brush bulletin 22-10, brush, LFD Strike teams are numbered at the incident from _____to____
According to brush bulletin 2-10, brush, strike team 1000 is reserved for whom?
According to Dept. bulletin 22-10, brush, What channel shall the engine at the helispot monitor for helicopter operations?
According to TB Bulletin # 158, Quick Clot Combat Gauze And Hemostatic Dressing, apply direct pressure on top of the packed wound and hold for ________ minutes or until bleeding stops.
According to TB # 158, Quick Clot Combat Gauze And Hemostatic Dressing, If bleeding continues after _______ of direct pressure, consider application of a second hemostatic dressing.
According to the 2020 Everyone Goes Home Initiatives Progress Report, How many initiatives are included in the report ?