Quiz 2 Flashcards
According to the Manual of Operation, Vol 1, the Manual of Operation shall supersede any conflicting information contained in other department publications, except ?
-The Rules and Regulations
-Pending amendments resulting from directives issued in a Weekly Bulletin
-Pending amendments resulting from directives issued in a Special Notice
According to the Manual of Operation, Vol 1, a modified numbering system is used to provide a quick reference to material. A typical reference using this numbering system is “2/3-60.14.” The number (2/) to the left of the diagonal line signifies what ?
According to the Manual of Operation, Vol 1, any member recognizing material in the Manual of Operations which is believed to need revision, should report the necessary information to the Planning Section by forwarding what form ?
According to the Manual of Operation, Vol 1, Special Notices are retained for how long on the intranet ?
According to the Manual of Operation, Vol 1, Which of the following is NOT one of the CORE VALUES that guide our behavior ?
According to the Manual of Operation, Vol 1, who is the “Head of the Department” ?
The Board of Fire Commissioners
According to the Manual of Operation, Vol 1, who is the Chief Administrator of the Fire Department?
The Fire Chief
According to the Manual of Operation, Vol 1, Unofficial notices shall not be posted more than how many days prior to the date of the event ?
90 days
According to the Manual of Operation, Vol 1, what is the official daily record of the Los Angeles Fire Department ?
The Journal
According to the Manual of Operation, Vol 1, responsible members shall make entries in additional journals, located where ?
-rescue ambulances
-heavy rescue
-fire boats
-A and B only
According to Book 3, Rules and Regulations, who establishes the Rules and Regulations for the Fire Department ?
The Board of Fire Commissioners
According to Book 3, Rules and Regulations, labor, management and employee resource groups have agreed that the Rules and Regulations serve as what?
The LAFD’s Code of Conduct
According to Book 3, Rules and Regulations, what is the primary responsibility of all members ?
to act in the public interest
According to Book 3, Rules and Regulations, what does enforcement and implementation of the disciplinary process address ?
-personal accountability
-professional accountability
-reinforcement of ethical behavior.
-All of the above
According to Book 3, Rules and Regulations, who has power to supervise, control, regulate and manage the Department and to make and enforce all necessary and desirable rules and regulations.
The Board of Fire Commissioners
According to Book 3, Rules and Regulations, the legal validity of any part of these Rules and Regulations may be determined by formal opinion of who? the City Attorney upon request of the Board of Fire Commissioners.
The City Attorney upon request of the Board of Fire commissioners
According to Book 3, Rules and Regulations, the transmission of orders and communications through the intermediate officers in ascending or descending order of rank, describes ?
Channels, THROUGH
According to Book 3, Rules and Regulations, an order issued by the Board to amend the Rules and Regulations of the Department.
General Order
According to Book 3, Rules and Regulations,
a directive issued by the Chief for the administration of Department affairs, describes?
Special Order
According to Book 3, Rules and Regulations, an administrative directive by the Fire Chief establishing the practices and procedures of the Department, describes?
Manual of Operation