Quiz 8 Flashcards
Attempt to unite or reconcile opposing beliefs or practices. Proponents of one religion will sometimes adapt or otherwise identify its deities or creeds with those of another religion in order to gain adherents.
Doctrine which holds that goodness results in prosperity and wickedness leads to suffering.
In Job 40, probably refers to the hippopotamus as a picture of strength, resilience, and apparent indestructibility which God uses to contrast his mighty power with the weakness and ignorance of the human being.
Men renowned for wisdom who in the ancient Near East produced documents containing lengthy discourses or essays grappling with life’s most difficult problems.
In Job 40, probably refers to the crocodile as a picture of strength, resilience, and apparent indestructibility that God uses to contrast his might power with the weakness and ignorance of the human being.
Hebrew word most often used in reference to the place where the dead were believed to dwell, a place of darkness and silence.
symbolically represent the godless nations of the world that will come from the vast ends of the earth to do battle against Israel.
Gog and Magog
term for an idolatrous action or image. Some hold that it refers to the four passages in the book of Daniel relating to the sacrilegious desecration committed by Antiochus IV Epiphanes, the pagan king of Syria, who sacrificed a pig on the holy altar in front of the Jerusalem temple.
Abomination of Desolation
period of history between the close of the Old Testament times and the birth of Christ.
Concept frequently occurring in both the Prophets and the New Testament. It includes three elements: the judgment of God against sin, the cleansing and purging of God’s people, and the salvation of God’s people.
Day of the Lord
God pronounces judgment on Israel, prefiguring final judgment (Rev. 20: 11– 15) and the judgment that fell on Christ (Gal. 3: 13). He promises blessing through the Messiah, anticipating the blessings of salvation in Christ
Judgment on Nineveh, a traditional enemy of God’s people, prefigures final judgment and final release from oppression
God’s use of a wicked nation to accomplish his righteousness foreshadows the use of wicked opponents to accomplish his purpose in the crucifixion of Christ.
Judgments on evil people anticipate the final judgment (Rev. 20: 11– 15) and indicate the necessity of Christ’s work and sin-bearing in order to save us from judgment
The rebuilding of the temple prefigures the building of NT temples: the church (1 Cor. 3: 16; Eph. 2: 20– 22) and the new Jerusalem
The rebuilding in the time of the restoration from exile prefigures the eternal salvation that comes in Christ.
Disobedience and compromise are eliminated with the coming of Christ and his purification.