Quiz 5 Flashcards
Official records preserved in the royal archives of ancient near eastern kingdoms that probably listed each king’s political activities
Royal annals
Obedience to God’s commands brings blessings while disobedience brings failure
Theology and retribution
Used in 1 Kings 11:41-43 as a structuring device when considering each ruler of the divided kingdom in the concluding account of Solomon’s life and reign
Regnal Formula
Israel’s genuine worship of the One true God, in faithful obedience to the covenant stipulations and requirements given by God in the Mosaic covenant
Deity that was worshiped by the Philistine at Ekron
During the reign of the young king Josiah, this term probably referred to all or part of Deuteronomy, which had been deposited in the temple of Solomon’s dedication
Book of the Law
Predominant content of 1 and 2 Kings, which is arguably the earliest genuine historiography in the world literature, as for the first time in human history a nation produced a continuous narrative organizing document in an orderly presentation with a single overarching purpose
Historical Narrative
Sovereign states consisting of an autonomous city with its dependencies. Old Testament examples include places like Tyre and Sidon
Generally speaking, a place dedicated to the service of worship of a deity or deities; in the Old Testament, refers to any of the three successive buildings or groups of buildings in ancient Jerusalem that were devoted to the worship of Yahweh
A state sum or other valuable consideration paid by one sovereign or state to another in acknowledgment of submitting or as the price of peace, security, protection and the like
Suffering and relief prefigures the suffering and glory of Christ
By expressing the emotional heights and depths in human response to God, this book provides a permanent treasure for God’s people to use to express their needs and their praises, both corporately and individually
Wisdom ultimately comes from God and his instruction, which anticipates the fact that Christ in the wisdom of God and that in him and his instruction we find the way of life and righteousness. Through the Spirit we may walk in the right way
The meaninglessness, frustrations, and injustices of life “under the sun” call out for a solution of God. Christ through his suffering and resurrection proves the first installment of meaning, fulfillment, and new life, to be enjoyed fully in the consummation
Depicts marital love. But after the fall merely human love is always short of God’s ideal, and so we look for God’s remedy in the prefect love of Christ
The Song of Solomon