Quiz 7 stuff - Inlay, intraoral records Flashcards
When is an inlay done?
When there is no damage to the cusps of the tooth and is cemented on the tooth.
Indications for inlay:
Large interproximal distance between teeth
large isthmus (large cavity), defects extend more than 2/3 intercuspal width.
Types of inlays:
Composite (indirect RR)
milled ceramic
cast porcelain
cast gold
Cavity prep for inlays, which burs to use?
Use either 558, 845 KR 025 or 845 KR 018. Do not use 330 bur.
845 KR 025 burr: 2.5 width at base, 2.0 width at tip.
845 KR 018 burr: 2.0 width at base, 1.8 width at tip.
length: 4 mm
558: length: 4-4.5 mm
diameter: 1.2 mm
Gingival floor dimension for inlays:
Gingival floor is 1 mm - 1.5 mm in MD dimension minimum.
Minimum clearance with adjacent tooth at least 1 mm, so scanner can read it.
Why do we want rounded internal line angles for inlays?
dont want overmilling.
Steps for Telios CS Inlay:
1.) place Telio CS inlay into clean cavity using flat instrument.
2.) contour restoration, leaving minimum excess
3.) after initial condensing, ask patient to bite down and occlude into uncured temporary material.
4.) After initial sculpting, light cure for 20-30 sec. Remove matrix if required. Check occlusion / adjust if required.
Why divergent walls
Allows for path of withdrawal.
All axial wall surfaces can be seen from occlusal perspective. This ensures that there are NO UNDERCUTS along path of insertion
ceramic is better than resin because of better marginal infidelity
T / F
o leaks less than resin
o reliability of cementation
o placed w/ moderate pressure w/o fear of fracture
o can easily replace interproximal contact if removed during adjustment
first step for inlay tooth prep =
evaluate location of occlusal contacts
1. occlusal surface = 1.5 mm depth with divergent walls
2. proximal box with divergence
3. gingival floor = 1-1.5 mm
4. min clearance = 1 mm
Indirect composite facts:
Ceramic facts:
Control over contour, improved wear resistance and reparable. However: costs more, requires isolation
Control over contour, best wear resistance, and better bond to enamel. However: more cost, most brittle material, isolation required, not reparable. time consuming.