Quiz 7 (Chapter 10) Flashcards
Which of the following statements best describes the exchange of gas in the alveoli?
Air moves into the alveoli, blood is transported by the pulmonary capillaries, and diffusion occurs.
Which of the following is acceptable for maintaining a seal between an oxygen cylinder and regulator?
Which patient should definitely be administered supplemental oxygen without positive pressure?
A patient in mild respiratory distress
Of the three types of oxygen flowmeters, which one can only be used upright?
Pressure-compensated flowmeter
If your patient has excessive gastric distention due to PPV, what piece of equipment is most important to have readily available?
The suction unit
What is the maximum flow rate that you would administer by nasal cannula?
6 lpm
The movement of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the alveoli and circulating blood is called:
pulmonary respiration.
The function of the respiratory system in the respiratory process is to:
move air in and out of the alveoli.
Forcing air or oxygen into the lungs when a patient has stopped breathing or has inadequate breathing is called:
artificial ventilation.
At the point at which the patient’s body has become acidotic from the retention of too much carbon dioxide and from anaerobic metabolism (metabolism without enough oxygen present), and he is growing tired, the patient is in:
respiratory failure.
For single-rescuer BVM ventilation, begin by:
positioning yourself at the patient’s head and opening the airway.
Which of the following is necessary to deliver oxygen to patients at a safe pressure?
Your patient is a motorcyclist who was ejected after striking a guard rail. The patient is unresponsive to painful stimuli and is breathing shallowly six to eight times per minute. Which of the following should you do first?
Use a bag-valve mask with supplemental oxygen.
To inflate the reservoir bag of a nonrebreather mask, use your finger to cover the:
exhaust port.
A permanent surgical opening in the neck through which the patient breathes is a:
Your patient is a 65-year-old male with a history of COPD. He is sitting up and complaining of a severe shortness of breath. You should:
apply a nonrebreather mask giving 15 lpm of oxygen.
What signs and symptoms would indicate inadequate breathing in a patient?
Increased effort to breathe, cyanosis, clammy skin, altered mental status
If an oxygen humidifier is going to be used in the ambulance for a long trip, the EMT should:
use fresh water in a clean reservoir.
For life to be maintained, a balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide is needed. The condition when oxygen levels are low is called:
When there are two rescuers dedicated to the airway, the most appropriate device to use on a nonbreathing patient would be:
a bag-valve-mask device.
The safe residual for an oxygen cylinder is ________ psi.
Which of the following devices should be used by two rescuers whenever possible?
By using airway adjuncts while ventilating a patient and using proper head-positioning and airway-opening techniques, you may avoid:
gastric distension
A ________ is not typically used in the prehospital setting for oxygen administration.
partial rebreather mask
The paramedic is intubating a patient and asks you to assist by gently pressing your thumb and index finger to either side of the throat just over the patient’s Adam’s apple. As you press, you gently direct the throat upward and to the patient’s right. What is the purpose of this maneuver?
It pushes the patient’s vocal cords into the paramedic’s view.
While ventilating an intubated patient with a bag-valve-mask-unit, you notice increased resistance to the ventilations. This may indicate that:
air is escaping through a hole in the lung and filling the pleural space.
What two measurements are multiplied to calculate the minute volume?
Tidal volume and respiratory rate
To which of the following patients should you NOT administer supplemental oxygen?
A patient with adequate breathing and a pulse ox of 96%
Which of the following complications related to bag-valve-mask ventilation is most likely?
A 16-year-old patient presents with labored breathing and increased respiratory rate, increased heart rate, and leaning forward with his hands on his knees. His skin is a normal color and his pulse oximetry is 96. This patient is suffering from respiratory:
What is the purpose of a pressure regulator on an oxygen tank?
It provides a safe working pressure for oxygen administration
You have been asked to hyperoxygenate a patient before a paramedic inserts an endotracheal tube. What should you do?
Ventilate at a normal rate using a bag-valve-mask device
If there were damage to the patient’s alveoli, you would expect the patient to experience:
difficulty in breathing.
What are the signs of hypoxia?
Cyanosis (blue or gray skin) and deterioration of the patient’s mental status
If a patient needs to be ventilated for a long period of time with a constant rate and volume, the EMT should consider using:
an automatic transport ventilator.
While administering single-rescuer CPR, what device is preferable to deliver supplemental oxygen?
Pocket face mask
During an endotracheal intubation, you may be asked to provide manual in-line stabilization. When might this be necessary?
If the patient has a suspected cervical spine injury
You are ventilating a patient at the proper rate with a manually triggered ventilator. Why is it important to watch the patient’s chest closely?
Because chest rise and fall indicates the adequacy of ventilations
In what structures does the oxygen/carbon dioxide exchange take place before the carbon dioxide is exhaled into the environment?
When ventilating a patient, an EMT must:
carefully monitor the rate of ventilations.
Which of the following patients is at risk for failure of the cardiopulmonary system?
A patient who was shot in the chest
What is the device that is designed to be placed over a stoma or tracheostomy tube to provide supplemental oxygen?
Tracheostomy mask
How should you position the head of a patient with a stoma during BVM ventilation?
Leave the head in a neutral position.
Vomitus from gastric distension during artificial ventilation:
indicates an improperly protected airway.
You are ventilating your apneic patient without difficulty. Family members tell you that the patient has dentures. You should:
leave them in place if they are still seated properly.
Around oxygen equipment in use, smoking:
is never allowed.
Which of the following colors identifies an oxygen cylinder?
Venturi masks are designed to mix oxygen with:
inhaled air.
A 21-year-old patient presents with labored breathing and audible wheezes, heart rate of 124, respiration 36; he has significantly altered mentation. What is the treatment for this patient?
Ventilate with a bag-valve mask with high oxygen or FROPVD.
Which of the following is the best device to deliver high-concentration oxygen to a breathing patient?
Nonrebreather mask
The process of air moving in and out of the chest is called:
Why does a patient involved in an auto crash who has major internal abdominal bleeding require oxygen to maintain internal respiration?
A lack of circulating volume decreases the oxygen and carbon dioxide transport capability of the blood.
Your patient is apneic and has a stoma. How should you ventilate this patient?
Place a pediatric mask on the adult BVM, place the mask over the stoma, and ventilate.
Which of the following can cause respiratory depression?
End-stage COPD changes the stimulus to breathe from high carbon dioxide levels to low oxygen levels, causing breathing to become depressed when oxygen is administered.
You are ventilating a patient manually. Which of the following changes is a negative side effect of positive pressure ventilation?
A decrease in the blood pressure
Which of the following patients is at risk for hypoxia?
A patient who has emphysema
When assessing a patient’s breathing, what is your first question?
Is he breathing?
Why is inhalation described as an active process?
It requires chest muscles to contract and use energy to move, creating a negative pressure.
You are transporting a 44-year-old female with chest pain and sudden respiratory distress. She is agitated, anxious, and refuses to have a nonrebreather mask applied. Which of the following is the best option?
Use a nasal cannula instead.
A nonrebreather mask at 12 to 15 liters per minute will generally provide the patient what percentage of oxygen?
Indications that an adult patient is being adequately ventilated include:
visible chest rise.
How can a faster-than-normal breathing rate decrease tidal volume?
By limiting the amount of time the lungs have to fill
What is necessary for oxygen to diffuse from the alveoli to the bloodstream?
What is the active part of breathing?
The patient whose breathing is adequate will have:
breath sounds that are clear and equal bilaterally.
The normal urge to breathe is stimulated by chemoreceptors that measure changing levels of what two gases?
Carbon dioxide and oxygen
What is the percentage of oxygen provided by connecting a high flow of oxygen to the oxygen inlet found on a pocket mask?
Before applying a nonrebreather mask, the EMT should take what action?
Inflate the reservoir bag and make sure the bag does not deflate during inspiration.
In patients progressing from respiratory distress to respiratory failure and ultimately to respiratory arrest, what is the most common underlying cause?
Unresolved hypoxia