Quiz 7 Flashcards
What is positive institution
Organizations and structured practices in culture or society that serve to elevate and develop our highest human strengths, combine and magnify those strengths, and refract our highest strengths outward in world benefiting ways leading, ultimately, to a world of full-spectrum flourishing
What do positive institutions focus on?
community, social systems, businesses, family, and education
What is the intention of positive organizations/institutions
meaning, purpose, nurturance, teamwork, and tolerance
facilitation of support
assembly of people in one place
social category; two or more individuals
enduring structured group
organizations with sustained pervasive influence
What are the five major social institutions
- The family
- Education
- Religion or spiritual group
- the economic system/business
- government
The best run organizations are..
performance enhancing, life-affirming, fulfillment giving
Institutions: the good and bad elements
elements of wanting to do the right thing, but not always succeeded. attention toward one element may lead to ignorance of other elements
What virtues should the enabling institution provide?
Purpose, after, fairness, humanity, dignity
Social grouping
the mere presence of other people influences how we act (self-conscious + autonomic arousal)
How do we aggregate?
Two or more people are a collectivity, in that there are people that come together with commonalities and form a group because of it
The good school
Education that positively affects students through knowledge while reducing negative outcomes such as violence and other unhealthy behaviors. Includes explicit goals that encourage learning, motivation, investment in ones future
Jobs require….
Intellectual demands, interpersonal interaction, possible physical activity
Common patterns in jobs
Alienated (work is not central to life and not fulfilling)
Economic (work revolves around pay and secureness of job)
Duty-oriented (work highly central to purpose of life, social obligation)
Balanced (work highly central to purpose of life, but economic and expressive goals are satisfied)
Design of an intervention to influence success of an organization requires the following….
- The environment in which the organization functions
- the organizations culture including its core leadership and professional identity
- The circumstances in which the strategy will be used
- The appropriate depth of the intervention
- THe likelihood and consequences of collateral effects of the intervention
- The fit of the strategy within the available time frame and its flow inside the sequence of the intervention
steps to appreciative inquiry
discovery, dream, design, destiny
Constructionist principle
Words create Worlds. Reality, as we know it, is a subjective vs objective state and is socially created through language and conversation
Simultaneity principle
inquire creates change. The moment we ask a questio, we begin to create a change.
Poetic principle
We can choose what we study. Teams and organizations, like open books, are endless sources of study and learning. what we choose to study makes a difference. it describes - even creates - the world as we know it
Anticipatory principle
images inspire action. Human systems move in the direction of their images of the future. the more positive and hopeful the image of the future, the more positive the present day action
Positive principle
positive questions lead to positive change. Momentum for large scale change requires large amounts of positive affect and social bonding. this momentum is best generated through positive questions that amplify the positive core