Quiz 5 Flashcards
Whats the difference between wellness and well-being
well-being is subjective and based on one’s perception of quality of life at any given time
Wellness can include well-being - primarily the focus of interrelated dimensions
include physical, mental, emotional and social
- Decisions you make in your life today will determine your long term wellbeing
Wellbeing and accomplishment
Pursued for its own sake, involves persistence and determination, involves goals toward acquisition of knowledge, skills and resources
wellbeing engagement
only measured subjectively, how you feel while engaged can only be reflected retrospectively. This is only pursued for its own sake
Wellbeing: positive emotion
involves: happiness and life satisfaction, joy, interest, contentment
Wellbeing: positive relationships
kind acts towards others uplifts one’s mood. Supportive relationships provide physical and emotional health benefits which are evidence based - proven effective
sympathy and concern for others and their suffering
The ability to feel what another person is feeling (mirror neurons, neurochemical response)
the process by which we perceive and respond to events that are perceive as harmful, threatening, or challenging. Includes the body, mind, emotions, and behavior
Distress vs Eustress
Distress is bad stress, eustress is good stress
Acute vs chronic stress
acute is short term and manageable, Chronic stress is ongoing stress with physical symptoms
Stress and immune malfunctions
Reacting too strongly can lead to self attacking diseases. Underreacting can lead to bacterial infection flare, dormant herpes virus erupt, cancer cells multiply
cognitive, behavioral, and emotional ways in which people manage stressful situations
Social support
people who perceive strong social support experience, faster recoveries, fewer medical complications, lower mortality rates, less distress in the face of illness
Psychological methods for stress management
cognitive behavioral therapy, talk therapy, biofeedback, meditation, exercise
Stress inoculation training
Reconceptualization (why, what?), skill acquisition (techniques), and follow through (sticking with it)
Emotional disclosure (expressive writing) benefits
decreased cardiovascular mortality, reduced physiological activity linked to event, increased likelihood of reappraisal and development of a plan to deal with stressful situation
Negative effects of Technology on wellness
stress, emotional instability, poor sleep
Positive impacts of technology on wellness
maintaining social connectedness, increase in positive affect, subjective well-being
Why learned helplessness?
belief you cannot escape fate, passivity toward life events decreases resiliency, assume others have more control over your life, feels as though a situation is uncontrollable
Learned helplessness can occur from?
conditioning to respond with pessimistic behavior, emotional trauma, self-defeat or belief that external events are the cause of your problems and you are helpless against it, modeling behavior of family and friends, assumption that to avoid situations keeps you safe
Victim behavior
the individual places blame for his or her issues on others and takes a victim mentality
Classical conditioning
the associative learning element of conditioning is that a stimulus and behavior work together to form a conditioned response that is stored in long term memory. Conditioned feelings of helplessness which can lead to hopelessness
Internal attribution
“I cannot figure this out because I am stupid “
Global attribution
attributing response that involves how a person thinks; always think “im stupid” regardless of situation
external attribution
other agencies, people, events determine my outcome
stable attribution
the cause of one outcome will be the effect for future outcomes
unstable attribution
the cause of the outcome is due to temporary factors (can be internal or external)
perceptual transformation
reframe your response to events, situations, issues. Neuro linguistic programming (looking at things in a more positive light)
Learned optimism
Those who are aware that setbacks exists, but believe the setback is temporary and changeable. Belief that one can overcome a setback through personal training and abilities
Increase in ability to handle day to day problems common during ___
Most widely researched depression-prevention program in the world has shown to:
reduce or prevent symptoms of depression with enduring effects, reduce hopelessness, reduce or prevent anxiety, reduce to conduct problems such as aggression and delinquency
resilience skills taught through depression-prevention program
understand relationship between thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Recognize automatic negative thoughts, replace negative thoughts, use behavioral strategies, practice management techniques, apply these coping skills to real life
ABC process
action + behavior = consequence
Active-constructive responding
how you you respond to others good news - better when active than passive or destructive
Veterans optimism study
showed that the candidate who focused less on negative events and expressed more optimism won 18 out of 22 elections
Positive selectivity
individuals assumption that he or she is more optimistic than they actually are. Individuals assumption that he or she is above average on positive traits like intelligence, sense of humor, attractiveness