Quiz 3 Flashcards
Voluntary dealy of intended activity, despite negative consequences that outweigh positive consequences
procrastination lacks ____
self- regulation
control of keeping emotions in check (less impulsive)
Procrastination is most prevalent among ___
Intrinsic values
how it’ll help someone short term
External locus
time and ability to complete projects out of their hands
reasons for procrastination
loose motivation, need for immediate gratification, fear of failure, deadlines don’t feel threatening, adverse to consequences, why start if you might not be successful
procrasinate less, study related activites, more likely to set goals
well-being oriented
procrastinate more, prefer leisure activites, make decisions based on what makes them happy in the moment
Investment in reaching goals
More intrinsic goals
goals that are long-term do not work with extrinsic motivation
“do your best goals”
people are not as inclined. no intrinsic motivation when there is no obvious external reward. like using the word try
Motivation tips
work for shorter periods of time, maintain consistency toward time when one works, find a friend or peer that provides feedback, tie goal to desired outcome, have tunnel vision,
Locus of control
Life events and whether actions that occur in life are a result of internal or external forces
Internal locus of control
take responsibility for events, control outcome of events as to how it effects one personality. More academically successful bc they take responsibility for grade outcome. Taking responsibility
External locus of control
others are responsible for events that happen to oneself, life is about fate, chance and luck, more likely to place external blame about grades and lack of goal achievement - blaming others
___ locus of control = less procrastination
___ locus of control = more likely to procrastination or no completion
How to change from external to internal locus of control
Awareness of motivation and mindfulness to decrease anxiety
courage and resilience, strength of character
Grit requires ___
self control, stamina, not being fearful of hard labor or time consuming labor to achieve goal, and can be heritable and environmental