Quiz 7 Flashcards
An aggregate of minerals from which metal maybe extracted at a
profit is called
a . concentrate c . middling
b . ore d . gangue minerals .
The formula of Magnetite is
a . Fe203 c . Fe2O3 H2O
b . Fe304
The formula of enargite is
a . Cu3AsS4 c . Cu2As2S5
b . Cu3AsS3 d . CuAsS2
A most common gold ore is
a . gold - quartz c . pyritic ores
b . telluride d . Au associated with Cu
A most common important ore minerals of manganese is
a . pyrolusite c . Rhodochiosite
b . psilomelane d . millerite
The process of separating the ore minerals from the gangue
minerals is
a . ore dressing c . milling
b . extractive metallurgy d . leaching
The main object of comminution is
a . liberation of ore minerals from the gangue minerals
b . establish uniform fineness of the lead
c . homogently
d . enhance solubility of ground product
The law that states that the energy consumed in grinding is
proportional to the new surface area created is
a . Bond’s Law c . Kick Law
b . Hettinger’s Law d . Newton’s Law
A gyratory crusher is
a . primary c . tertiary
b . secondary d . forth stage crusher
The part of the crusher that determines the maximum size that will
enter the crusher
a . throat c . gape
b . mouth d . angle of nip
In ball milling , the ball charge centrifuge when the
a . critical speed is exceeded c . when less water is added
b . critical speed is not reached d . when ball mill is operating , under
load reduce energy
The purpose of close circuit grinding is
a . lengthen the residence of ore inside the mill
b . prevent ore - grinding
c . reduce oversize in the product
d . reduce energy consumption
The primary grinding , the ideal circulating load ratio is
a . 150 % c . 250 %
b . 200 % d . 300 %
In Tyler standard series , the openings are regulated such that the
ratio in any screen to the next screen is
a . 1.414 c . 2.000
b . 1.750 d . 2.150
The mesh number of a screen
a . no . of opening per linear inch c . opening in inch
b . opening in cm d . opening in mm
The method of separating a mixture of minerals into two or more
products on the basis of velocities at which the grains will fall thru
a fluid medium is called
a . classification c . heavy media separation
b . sedimentation d . elutriation
Hindered settling refers to
a . settling of minerals in the thick pulp
b . settling of minerals in water
c . settling of minerals in dilute pulp
d . settling after agitation
Cyclone is a
a . classifier c . mixing
b . de - watering d . thickening
A thickener is
a . de - watering equipment c . sizing
b . mixing d . dissolution equipment
A middling is concentration refers to
a . feed to concentration system c . contains ore and minerals
locked together
b . by product d . discarded portion of the concentration system
One of this concentration processes is not gravity method
a . panning c.tabbling
b . jigging d . hand - picking
Commercial sink - and - float processes used as medium
a . magnetite c . galena
b . ferrosilicon d . carbon tetrachloride
In ore dressing , sulfide minerals respond most readily to
a . flotation c . gravity concentration
b . amalgamation d . hydraulic classification .
A most common frothier used in flotation is
a . ethyl alcohol c . minerec
b . pine oil d . solid hydrocarbon
A most widely used collectors are
a . xanthates c . thiosulfates
b . sodium sulfides d . cresylic acid
Substances that inhibits flotation of minerals are called
a . conditioner c . depress ore
b . activators d . modifiers
The flotation process of recovering two or more minerals as sep-
arate concentrate is called
a . bulk sulfide flotation c . differential flotation
b . selective flotation d . stage flotation
The conditioner used to regulate alkalinity of the pulp is
a . NaCN c . soda ash
b . CaO d . Na2S
The metallurgical recovery refer to
a . wt . of concentrate divided by the wt . of feed
b . percent of metal contained in the concentrate against metal in
the ore
c . percent mineral recovered against recoverable minerals
d . distribution percentage of metal in feed
If f , c , and t are corresponding metal assays as feed , concentrate
and tails , then the ratio of concentration maybe expressed as
a . ( c - t ) / f c . ( ft ) / ( c - t )
- b . ( c t ) / ( ft ) d . ( ft ) ( ct )
Calculated head refers to
a . assay of feed
b . grams of metal in product / 100 gram feed
c . grams of metal recovered in concentration
d . metals in by - product
Pulp density is the
a . weight of a unit volume of pulp
b . weight of dry solids in the pulp
c . ratio of the water to solids by weight
Avogadro’s number is the number of atoms in one gram atom
which is
a . 3.4 x 1014 c . 5.0 x 1032
b . 6.02 x 1023 d . 22.4 x 102
One pound mole of gas at standard condition occupies
a . 22.4 cu - ft c . 22.4 liters
b . 359 cu - ft d . 22.4 cu - m
The fundamental heat unit in the English system is
a . pound c . Btu
b . gram calorie d . kilo - calorie
The number of calories absorbed when one gram molecular
weight of a compound is formed from its elements is called
a . heat of reaction c . heat formation
b . exothermic reaction d . latent heat of reaction
Coal suited for the production of coke is
a . lignite c . anthracite
b . bituminous d . peat
The universal fuel used in metallurgical furnaces is
a . charcoal c . coke
b . anthracite d . natural gas
In the Merrill Crowe process of gold cyanidation , the residue used
to precipitate the gold is
a . Zn dust c . PbNO3
b . NaS d . granulated carbon
The CaO in CN solution to maintain protective alkalinity is
a . 0.05 % c . 0.10 %
b . 0.02 % d . 0.025 %
In the Carbon in Pulp process of gold recovery , granular carbon
is called
a . after grinding c . after the gold is dissolved in the agitators
b . after thickening d . after cycloning
A most common practice of reporting hardness of ore is
a . Bond’s work index c . Hard grove index
b . Denver method d . BM method
Massive pyrite is mined primarily as a source of
a . metallic iron
b . blended with magnetite to increase grade
c . sulfuric for sulfuric acid production
d . production of pyrite cinder
Metallic aluminum is produced by
a . smelting pyrometallically A1203
b . electrolysis of fused salts
c . leaching with aluminum carbonate
The gangue mineral in a lead zinc complex ore is
a . galena c . siderite
b . sphalerite d . Suriferous Au
In ore dressing seavenging refers to
a . recycling of middling
b . treatment of rougher tails to mixture recovery
c . treatment of cleaner tails
. It refers to the amount of valuable metal in the ore
a . cut - off grade c . tenor of the ore
b . average grade d . none of the above
Screens used for sizing the feed to a primary crusher
a . Sieve Bend c . Trammel
b . Vibrating screen d . Grizzly
A jaw rusher is
a . primary c . tertiary
b . secondary d . fourth stage crusher
The Cu mineral that has the highest Cu content is
a . Chalcopyrite c . Enargite
b . Bornite d . Chalcocite
Ore dressing is considered
a . physical process c . metallurgical process
b . extractive process d . conventional
If there is a distinctive difference in surface property , the process
indicated for concentration is
a . cyanidation c . gravity concentration
b . flotation d . hand - picking
The wall rock with the ore in the process of mining is called
a . gangue c . tailings
b . waste d . rock minerals
A most common method of concentrating chromite is by
a . jigging c . sluicing
b . classifying d . elutriation
The process in ore dressing which consist of crushing and grind-
ing is called
a . communution c . agitation
b . concentration d . sizing
Free settling means that particle is settling on
a . dilute pulp c . water
b . thick pulp d . air
A cyclone is equipment
a . sizing c . de - watering
b . mixing d . agglomerating
The feed to the concentrating system is called
a . concentrate c . tails
b . head d . middling
The minerals that respond most readily to flotation are
a . oxides c . sulfides
b . silicious d . magnetite
Depressors are substances that
a . prevents collectors to anchor on the mineral surface
b . enhance attachment to minerals
c . reduce air required in the cell
d . inhibits collector atom to become attached
Lime is added in flotation as
a . pH regulator c . depressor
b . activator d . conditioner
The percentage of the metal in the concentrate against the total
metal contained in the ore is called a . grade of concentrate c . concentration ratio
b . recovery d . Distribution
The ratio of the weight of the head to the weight of the concentrate
is called
a . concentration ratio c . relative up - grading
b . concentration efficiency d . concentration criteria
In ore dressing , assay head is
a . actual assay of the head c . assay of mineral present in the feed
b . calculated assay of products d . assay of concentrate less tails
In reporting metallurgical testing , we always use the
a . assay head c . assay of concentrate only
b . calculated head d . assay of concentrate less tails
A ratio of concentration of 50 to 1 means that
a . 50 tons of ore produced 1 ton of concentrate
b . 50 % of metal is in the concentrate
c . one ton of metal is the concentrate for every 50 tons of metal in
the ore
d . the efficiency of operation is 50 %
Leaching gold is considered
a . ore dressing c . pyrometallurgy
b . extractive metallurgy d . liquid - liquid separation
Work index is a measure of
a . hardness of an ore c . weight of a unit volume of the ore
b . metal content of the ore d . degree of liberation of the ore
The width of the opening at the discharge of a crusher is
a . gape c . mouth
b . set d . stroke or throw
Most copper primary mines uses
a . jaw c . impact
b . gyratory d . short head as first stage crusher
Sluice boxes are used in
a . gravity concentrating process c . solid to solid separation
b . de - watering process d . sizing process
. Refers to the factor by which the volume of materials is reduced
to weight in tons , usually expressed as cu . Ft . / ton or cu . M / MT .
a . porosity c . specific gravity
b . factor tonnage d . density
A tonnage factor that is equal to 2000 / 62.5 ( s . q . ) has a unit of
a . cu . Ft / St c . cu . Ft / MT
b . cu . Ft / it d . cu . M / MT
Weight of a substance relative to that of pure water at 4 degree
Celsius is
a . porosity c . specific gravity
b . moisture d . tonnage
Voids / Pores spaces with in a material expressed as a percentage
of the total volume of the material is called
a . moisture c . specific gravity
b . poisture d . tonnage
Voids maybe
a . free from moisture c . saturated
b . partially filled with moisture d . all of the above
Ore is composed of
a . minerals c . moisture
b . voids d . none of the above
The sp . gr./ density of ore in which the voids are considered but excluding the moisture content is a . Mineral sp . gr . c . dried
b . rock sp . gr . dried d . rock sp . gr . natural
The sp . gr./ density of ore in which the voids and moisture are
a . Porosity c . mineral sp . gr .
b . rock sp . gr . natural d . rock sp . gr . - dried
Density of solid ore in which both voids and moisture are not
a . Porosity c . mineral sp . gr .
b . rock sp . gr . - natural d . rock sp . gr . - dried
The effect of porosity in the ore
a . decrease the volume w / o any addition in weight
b . decrease the volume with increase in weight
c . increase the volume w / o any addition in weight
d . increase the volume with increase in volume
The effect of moisture in the ore is
a . decrease the weight w / o no increase in volume
b . decrease the weight with increase in volume
c . increase the weight w / o no increase in volume
d . increase the weight with increase in volume
Saturation ( Ms )
a . mineral sp . gr . and porosity
b . rock sp . gr . - dried and moisture
c . rock sp . gr . - natural and voids
d . none of the above
Tonnage of ore depends on
a . grade at time of examination / valuation
b . cost - price relationship of projected mining method ( include
cut - off grade )
c . rate of output
d . all of the above