Quiz 4 Flashcards
Fire assaying is considered
a. Volumetric b. Gasometric C. Gravimetric d. Wet method
It is used to separate Au from Ag.
a. sodium cyanide b. Nitric acid C. Silica d. Ferrosilicon
Used in commercial recovery of Au and Ag from their ore.
a. Sodium chloride b. Sodium cyanide C. aqua regia d. HCI
A jaw crusher is a crusher.
a. Primary b. Secondary C. Tertiary d. Fourth stage
The most common method of concentrating chromite ores.
a. Classifying b. Elutriation C. Jigging d. Sluicing
The process of separating the ore minerals from the gangue
a. Ore dressing b. Extractive metallurgy C. Milling d. Leaching
An active, readily fusible, acid flux with a chemical formula of
a. Litharge b. Borax C. Argols d. Cryolite
It contains precious metals like Au and Ag; also contains 35-65%
a. Matte b. Slag C. Blister Cu d. Ingot
The process of heating to an elevated temperature without fusing
a metal or metallic compounds in contact with oxygen, water
vapors, etc.
a. Smelting b. Converting C. roasting d. Tempering
It contains 40-50 kg/m3 of Cu, 180-200 kg/m3 of H2SO4, bright-
ening, and smoothing agents.
a. Blister Cu b. Anode impurities C. Matte d. Electrolyte
An isolated ore body, or an enrichment of limited vertical and
horizontal extent in a massive, bedded or vein deposit.
a. Massive b. Tabular C. Lenticular or Pocket d. Stringer.
Dome salt is classified as:
a. Placer deposit b. Massive deposit C. Bedded deposit d. Vein type
Sediments and other accumulations of solid particles produced
by the mechanical and/or chemical disintegration of rocks, and
usually having a low cohesive strength and very low compressive
a. Detritus b. colloids C. humus d. loam
The ferruginous deposit filling the upper part of some mineral
veins forming a superficial cover over masses of pyrite. It consists
mainly of hydrated iron oxide and has resulted from the removal
of sulfur as well as the copper or other sulfides originally present.
a. Country rock b. Gossan C. Limonite d. Ore shoot
It is not a mineral but an aggregate of minerals and other colloidal
a. Quicksand b. Diatoms C. Clay d. Talus
A colorless, translucent to transparent variety that occurs mainly
in low temperature veins in gneisses and schists.
a. Sienna b. Adularia C. Oligoclase d. Sanidine
he top of terminal edge of the vein on the surface or its nearest
point to the surface.
a. Aureole b. Tip C. Acme d. Apex
Major structural and sedimentation unit of the crust of the earth.
They consist of elongated basins, which become filled with very
great thickness.
a. Geosyncline b. Eugeosyncline C. Geanticline d. Lithosphere
The coarse sandstone with very angular fragments. It was prob-
ably deposited at the mouth of last flowing river.
a. Graywacke b. Grit C. Quartzite d. Arkose
The smooth, curved fracture resembling the interior surface of a
shell. This is most commonly observed in such substances as
glass and quartz.
a. Conchoidal Fracture C. Hackly fracture
The term used to describe the tenacity of minerals in which they
can be cut into thin shavings with a knife.
a. Brittle b. Malleable C. Sectile d. Ductile
It is a mass formed by deposition of material about a nucleus.
Some of these are roughly spherical, whereas others assume a
great variety of shapes.
a. Geode b. Concretion C. Stalactite d. Colloform
Which of the following mineral habits and aggregates best de-
scribe the appearance of Mica?
a. Radiating and globular C. Fibrous and reticulated
b. Mamillary and botryoidal d. Foliated and lamellar
Today’s largest diamond producer worldwide.
a Western Mining Corp. b. Placer Dome, Inc. C. De Beers d.
A term used to describe a mineral that does not vary in color
because of certain light-absorbing atoms that form an essential
part of its make-up.
a. Opaque b. Transparent C. Idiochromatic d. Mo
Fragments in sedimentary rocks that originally formed part of the
parent rocks.
a. Detritals b. Clasts C. Fragments d. Inclusion
A rock that forms from fossilized remains of plants and animals.
a. Petrified wood C. fossilized rock
The micro-quantitative analysis of soil and water samples.
a. Radiometric measurements C. X-ray analysis
b. Geochemistry d. Spectrographic analysis
It applies knowledge of genesis and occurrence of mineral
deposits, structural mapping and mineralogical and petrography
analyses to discover, define, and appraise mineral prospects.
a. Geological prospecting C. Appraisal
b. Assessment d. Investigation
A basic drainage pattern forming branching like trees.
a. Trellis C. Dendritic
b. Radial d. Rectangular
A basic drainage pattern forming ring-like tributaries intercepting
radial streams.
a. Annular b. Rectangular C. Parallel d. Trellis
A mineral deposit of tabular form lying horizontally or sub-hori-
zontally and is commonly parallel to stratification of the enclosing
a. Porphyry deposit b. Massive deposit C. Bedded deposit d. Coal
A mineralized zone having a more or less regular development
in length, width, and depth to give it a tabular form and commonly
inclined at a considerable angle to the horizontal.
a. Bonanza b. Vein C. Dike d. Gossan
Siliceous deposit of a sedimentary nature whose main constituent
is redistributed silica.
a. Siliceous ore b. Silica sand C. Slag d. Chert
infilling of Vesicles is called:
a. Veinlet b. Inquartz filling C. Amygdaloidal d. Karts
Rock riddled with air bubbles is termed;
a. Spongy b. Porous C. Vesicular d. Pumiceous
It means fragmentary and fractured appearance of constituents.
a. Brecciaed b. Clastic C. Mosaic d. Jagged
The chronological order in the sequence of mineral deposition.
a. Zoning b. Paragenesis C. Sorting d. Gradation
A method of discovery, normally limited to visual examination o
either the exposure (outcrop) of the deposit of the loose fragments
(floats) that have weathered away from the outcrop.
a. Direct b. Indirect C. Grasshopper d. Surface
A low-magnesium limestone containing clay.
a. Lime b. Portland cement C. cement rock d. Phosphate rock
It is a large and well-shaped crystal.
a. Geode b. Phenocryst C. Quartz d. Pegmatite
The solid petroleum that occurs as a component of shale.
a. Tar b. Kerosene C. Kerogene d. Coal
It is a liquid, very viscous hydrocarbon not extractable from oil
a. Petroleum b. Kerosene C. Crude oil d. Tar
It is the accumulated excreta and remains of birds and bats. It is
an important source of phosphorous and nitrogen.
a. Dolomite b. Guano C. Peat d. Compost
The gold largest producer in the Philippines nowadays.
a. Manila Mining Corporation C. Benguet Corporation (BAGO)
b. Philex Mining Corporation (Padcal) d. Philex Gold Philippines
A reserve division on which sufficient technical and economic
studies have been carried out to demonstrate that it can justify
extraction at the time of the determination and under specified
economic conditions.
a. b. C. Indicated reserve d. Proven ore reserve
METALLURGY 001: Quantitative determination in which metal or
metals are separated from impurities by fusion processes and
weighed in order to determine the metal content.
fire assaying
METALLURGY 002: Selective dissolution of silver and other base
metals from dore using dilute nitric acid solution leaving a dull gold
METALLURGY 003: Added as a source of lead.
METALLURGY 004: Weight of lead in grams prevented from being
reduced by 1 gram of a substance.
oxidizing power
METALLURGY 005: Powerful basic flux and by far the cheap-
est one available. It melts at 852 degrees centigrade. It is often
charged equal to the weight of the ore sample.
sodium carbonate
METALLURGY 024: The sample for fire assaying is crushed and
pulverized to attain at least mesh.
minus 100
METALLURGY 023: This acid causes spattering during dilution
with hot liquid.
sulfuric acid
METALLURGY 022: It is caused by vigorous expulsion of oxygen
on rapid solidification of precious metal button. This does no harm
unless particles of the bead are completely ejected or unbroken
off in cleaning.
METALLURGY 021 In parting where selective dissolution of silver
and other base metals in the dore bead using dilute HNO3 has an
acid concentration of (acid to water ratio).
METALLURGY 020: The ratio of silver gold in the dore that causes
gold to break up.
METALLURGY 019: The best ration of silver to gold in dore bead
is the optimum range of Ag:Au.
METALLURGY 018: The formation of thick concentric rings of PbO
that further stop oxidation of cupellation.
METALLURGY 017: One assay ton is g.
29.199 grams
METALLURGY 016: Something that converts compounds in-
fusible at a certain temperature into others which melts at this
METALLURGY 015: Something that has strong affinity for sulfur
and which is therefore capable of separating it from some of its
desulfurizing agent
METALLURGY 014: Ores having no oxidizing nor reducing power.
neutral ores
METALLURGY 013: RO SiO2 is a slag.
METALLURGY 012: 4RO 3SiO2 is a slag.
METALLURGY 011: An artificial sulphide of ore or more of the
metals most often encountered in the niter fusion of sulphide ore
when the charge is too acidic.