quiz 6 Flashcards
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_________ random variables, such as heights and weights, length of life of a product, can assume the infinitely many values corresponding to points on a line interval
The ______ under a continuous probability distribution is equal to 1
The probability that x will fall into a particular interval, say from a to b, is equal to the ________between the 2 points
0, for continuous random variable
This implies that P(x≥a) ? P(x>a) and
P(x≤a) ? P(x<a)
the continuous _______ random variable is used to model the behavior of a random valuable whose values are uniformly or evenly distributed over a given interval
The total area under the probability distribution is 1/(b-a) X (b-a)=??
The probability that x falls in an interval is calculated as the area under the _____ over that interval
The mean and variance of x for uniform random variable are given by…
ϻ= (b-a)/2 and σ²= 1/12 (b-a)²
the_____ random variable is used to model positive random variables such as waiting time, or lifetime associated with electronic components
the parameter λ is often referred to as the _______ and is related to the mean and the variance
for exponential random variable, mean and variance are….
ϻ= 1/λ and σ²= 1/λ²
so that ϻ=σ (standard deviation)
a large # of random variables observed in nature possess a frequency distribution that is approximately __________ and can be modeled by a ___________probability distribution
The mean locates the ______ of the distribution and the distribution is ________ about its mean
center, symmetric
The shape of the distribution is determined by _____, the population standard deviation
Notice the difference in shape and location. Large values of σ reduce the ______ of the curve and increase the ______, small values of σ increase the ______ and reduce the _______.
height, spread, height, spread
The probability distribution for Z is called the ________ because its mean is 0 and its standard deviation is 1.
standard normal distribution
z= (x-ϻ)/σ
turn normal random variable into standard normal
for standard normal distribution, the area to the left of a value C is probability P(z<C)