Quiz 4: Skull Flashcards
Where is the Epicranius located?
Top half of the head
What are the two area’s of the Epicranius?
Frontal belly
Occipital belly
What is the origin of the frontal belly?
Skin of eyebrows, root of nose
Where does the frontal belly insert?
Epicardial aponeurosis
What action of the frontal belly perform?
Raises eyebrows
Where does the occipital belly originate?
Occipital and temporal lobes
Where does the occipital belly insert?
Epicranial aponeurosis
What action does the occipital belly perform?
Pulls scalp
What is the origin of orbicularis oculi?
Frontal and maxillary bones
Orbit ligaments
Where does the orbicularis oculi insert?
Eyelid tissue
What action does the orbicularis oculi perform?
Closes eye, blinking, squinting
What is the origin of the zygomaticus major and minor?
Zygomatic bone infraorbital margin of maxilla
Where does the zygomaticus major and minor insert?
Skin of the upper lip
What action does the zygomaticus major and minor perform?
Raises/furrows upper lip
Opens lip
What is the origin of the risorius?
Zygomatic bone
What is the insertion of the risorius?
Skin and muscle at corner of the mouth
What is the action of the risorius?
Draws corners of the lips laterally
What is the origin of the orbicularis oris?
Arises directly from the maxilla and mandible
What is the insertion of the orbicularis oris?
Encircles mouth
What is the action of the obicularis oris?
Closes and protrudes lips
What is the origin of the buccinator?
Deep to masseter
What is the insertion of the buccinator?
molar region of the maxilla and mandible
What is the action of the buccinator?
Maintains tightness of cheeck