Quiz 4 - Chapter 5 Flashcards
Components of Culture
- Communication
- Courtesies
- Rituals
- Roles
- Customs
- Relationships
- Practices
- Expected behaviors
- Values
- Thoughts
- Manners of interacting
- A shared, learned, symbolic system of values, traditions, social and political relationships and worldviews that shapes and influences one’s perceptions, behaviors and interaction patterns
Cultural Competence
- Implies having the capacity to function effectively
- Proficient in communication skills
- A dynamic, ongoing, development process that requires a long-term commitment
- Society is organized in ways that encourage people to include or exclude, reward or punish, credit or discredit, elevate or oppress, value or devalue
Cultural competence means that organizations, programs, and individuals need to:
- Value diversity and similarities
- Understand and respond to differences
- Engage in self-assessment
- Make adaptions
- Institutionalize knowledge
- The experiences that shape our attitudes, perceptions, emotions, and communication choices
- The rules of living and functioning in society
- Shared, learned, symbolic things that influence ones perception of language, social class, location, and identity
Organizational Culture
- The way an organization operates
- The attitudes that employees have
- The overall tone and approach to any given business
- The adjustment period and “settling in” that’s common for anyone starting a new job
Assimilation Tactics
- Overt questioning
- Indirect questioning
- Third-party questioning
- Testing limits
- Disguising conversations
- Surveillance
- Temporary embellishments or objects characteristic of a particular culture or institution
Cultural Rituals
- Practices, behaviors, celebrations, and traditions common to people, organizations, and institutions
Cultural Conpetence
- This is the level of knowledge a person has about others who are difference
Mutual Respect
- Helps to prevent cultural tensions, misunderstandings, and conflict
Implicit Bias
- Attitudes or stereotypes that affect our understandings, desires, and actions
- Reside in the subconscious
- Develop over a lifetime
- Don’t discriminate
- A social group that may be joined by shared history, identity, geography, and culture
- The categorization of people based on physical characteristics
Language Differences
- Accents
- Dialects
Religion and Spirituality
- Takes work to understand these differences
- Visible or invisible
Awareness to Action
- Be conscious
- See backgrounds as assets
- Power and privilege are real
- Stereotypes and biases are individual
- Development: personally and professionally
Make Paradox and Ambiguity Your Friends
- Solve puzzles
- Manage paradoxical issues
- Embrace ambiguity
What does effective leadership result in?
- Change in the organization
Guidelines for Leaders
- Value diversity: challenge the organizational culture
- A distinctive pronunciation of a language
- The unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people or things, especially on the regards of race age or sex
- Statistical data relating to the population and particular groups within it
- A particular form of a language which is peculiar to a specific region or social group
Disguising Conversation
- Making the conversation seem to be something that it is not supposed to be
- The process by which businesses or other organizations develop international influence or start operating on an international scale
Indirect questioning
- Used in professional
settings - Not being extremely specific
- Special words or expressions that are used by a particular profession or group and are difficult for others to understand
- Stories
Overt questioning
- Open questioning
Perception checking
- Helping you understand others accurately instead of jumping to conclusions or assuming that your first interpretation is correct
- The study and classification of people according to their attitudes, aspirations, and other psychological criteria, especially in market research
- Close observation
Testing Limits
- Pushing the boundaries
- Generalizing the specifics of an individual
Third-party Questioning
- Asking someone questions based upon them not being a primary information source
Translation Services
- Help to understand different languages
- A particular philosophy of life or conception of the world
Phases of the Assimilation Process
- Anticipatory Socialization
- Organizational Encounter
- Metamorphosis