Final Exam Flashcards
– how people create and use space and distance, as well as how they behave to protect and defend that space
– general term for the study of human movement, gestures, and posture
Nonverbal Displays
– communication other than written or spoken language that creates meaning for someone
Interpersonal Communication Strategies
– the cocreation of meaning as people interact
Five Types of Communication
interpersonal, intrapersonal, small group, public speaking, and mediated communication
Successful Communication
make connections with other people
Language in the Marketplace
- Professional
Gender Difference
– men tend to dominate conversation, men are more likely to interrupt women
Organizational Culture
– the way an organization operates, the attitudes the employees have, and the overall tone and approach to any given business
Communication Mistakes
one-size-fits-all, lack of attention, avoiding difficult conversation, holding back, gossip, being closed minded
– a settled way of thinking or feeling about someone ore something, typically one that is reflected in a person’s behavior
Assimilation Process
– the adjustment period and “settling in” that’s common for anyone starting a new job
Practice - Theory - Philosophy
Know these
Four Cross Cutting Themes
Semantic Distance
a difference in perception that exists between employees and supervisors over fundamental areas such as organizational issues or basic job duties
Message Distortion
when a message sent by one communicator is interpreted differently by the person receiving the message
Grapevine Communication
regularly occurring lines of communication that exist within an organization but are not prescribed by the organizational chart; also known as the informal communication network
Communication Norms
communication patterns which are considered proper and respectful
Computer Mediated Communication
human communication through some form of technology
Communication Networks
there is a single sender who is responsible for getting information to multiple people; people are only connected, communication-wise in the company, to specific people
E-mail Communication
be professional, formal greeting, formal conclusion, well wishes, maintain a professional image
Social Media
network email, web email, texting, smartphones, blogs, message sharing sites, pagers, cell phones
The study of time as communication
Technology in the Workplace
maintain professional excellence online
– a dynamic relationship based on mutual influence and common purpose between leaders and collaborators, in which both are moved to higher levels of motivation and moral development as they affect real, intended change
the capacity or ability to direct or influence the behavior of others or the course of events
Theory X
management theory based on the underlying assumption that employees are inherently lazy and will avoid work whenever possible; therefore, workers must be closely supervised and communication should be top down; developed by McGregor
Theory Y
management theory based on the underlying assumption that employees can be ambitious and self-motivated and that, therefore, supervisors should seek to empower employees and two-way communication is needed; developed by McGregor
Contingency Theory
a situational leadership theory developed by Fiedler; requires leaders to assess the situation by examining three factors: the leader-follower relationship, the task structure, and the position power
Situational Leadership Theory
developed by Hersey and Blanchard; requires leaders to examine task behavior, relationship behavior, and level of maturity/readiness of the followers to select the most effective communication style
Managerial Grid Theory
a situational leadership theory developed by Robert Blake and Jane Mouton; includes five managerial styles; impoverished, country club, authoritative, middle-of-the-road, and team
information or messages communicated between sender and receiver
Presentation Techniques
– eye contact, confidence, clothing, visual aids, cater your message to the audience, speak to the audience not at them
the credibility of the speaker and the information presented in the presentation; one of Aristotle’s three forms of rhetoric
the logic of the presentation; established through both the organizational structure and the supporting information; one of Aristotle’s three forms of rhetoric
– the emotional appeal; one of Aristotle’s three forms of rhetoric
Persuasive Speaking
the general purpose of presentations in which the speaker advocates for something or against something
Active Disagreement
conflict between two or more people with opposing opinions or principles
Nonverbal Techniques
communication other than written or spoken language that creates meaning for someone
Workplace Bullying
repeated acts and practices that are directed intentionally or unconsciously and that cause embarrassment, humiliation, and stress
Work-life Balance
accomplishment of role-related expectations that are negotiated and shared between an individual and his or her role-related partners in the work and family life
Essay Question:
- Connect the main themes of the year to Maxwell’s major concepts