Quiz 4 (abdominal vasculature) Flashcards
what is the most common cause of vascular disease?
when is an aneurysm considered present?
infrarenal diameter is 3 cm or greater
how do you measure an abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA)?
measure outer wall to outer wall
what changes SMA post prandial?
- PSV increases to meet demands of digestion in the SB (may double/triple)
- EDV increases 2-3 times higher than is fasting state and has continuous flow pattern through diastole
- assumes a low resistant flow pattern
what fails to occur in SMA?
in a diseased state, changes to the SMA post prandial fail to occur
what is the most common cause of renal artery stenosis?
what is the second most common cause of renal artery stenosis?
fibromuscular dysplasia
what is the normal PSV in a renal artery?
under 180 cm/s
how do you calculate resistive indices?
what is indicative of an “upstream” significant renal artery stenosis?
segmental branches demonstrate a tardus-parvus waveform
what is a sign, not a cause of IVC occlusion?
bilateral leg swelling
what could compression of left renal vein (nutcracker syndrome) lead to in men?
left scrotal varicoceles leading to pain or infertility. This is because gonadal veins drain into the left renal vein
what could compression of left renal vein (nutcracker syndrome) lead to in women?
left ovary can be enlarged (congestion)
what is the normal hepatic artery PSV in a fasting adult patient?
30-40 cm/s
what is the normal hepatic artery EDV in a fasting adult patient?
10-15 cm/s