Midterm Jeopardy Flashcards
Echinococcal disease is common in sheep/cattle raising countries and is also known as
hydatid disease
Most common area for fatty sparing
at portals / mpv
Most common cause of liver failure
cirrhosis (alcohol, obesity)
What are we looking at when we see a “starry sky” appearance
increased periportal echoes
Which primary source appears as bulls eye mets in the liver
breast mets in liver appear hypoechoic, colorectal appear hyperechoic
cholangiocarcinoma seen at the porta hepatis is known as a
klatskins tumor
What benign liver tumour is associated with broken diaphragm sign
fatty liver tumor
Air seen within the GB is a sign of
emphysematoud GB
Inflammation of the bile ducts is known as
What key feature aids in diagnosing adenomyomatosis when ring down is seen
thickened GB wall
Difference between primary and secondary choledocholithiasis
- primary caused by stasis, stone forms there,
- secondary travels from gb to the cbd
What is pneumobilia
air in biliary tree
Name 4 sonographic signs that go with acute cholecystitis
thickened wall
stone in neck
positive murphy sign
Name two biliary conditions that are not more common in women
primary sclerosing cholangitis, emphysematous gb
Most common primary pancreatic neoplasm
ductal adenocarcinoma