Quiz # 4 Flashcards
Who was Augustus Caesar
- Coined the term Pax Romana
- Worked on Two Reforms (Miltiary and Religious and Poltical)
- With backing of the legions –> Imposes of Princips (First Citizen of Rome)
- Meaning: Imperial Rule for Life
- Date: 27BC -284 AD)
- Imperial Title becomes “dynastic”, even as SPQR continues to “function”
Two Legs: Goodwill of the people, Army
Pax Romana
Peace of Rome
- Coined by Augustus Caesar
Sucesses of the Julio-Claudian Dynasty
Failures of the Julio-Claudian Dynasty
The First Jewish War
DATE: (66-70/73)
- Rebellion of the Zealots in Judea (66)
- Religion and poltics combine into full rebellion
- Nero (r. 54-68) sends Vespasian to crush the rebellion
- Poltical upheaval in Rome (68-69); death of Nero; Flavius Vespasian declared Emperor (r. 69-79)
Flavian Dynasty
Flavius Vespasian (69-79): dated reign from being named in Syria, First sucession between father and son history
Titus Flavius (r. 79-81 –> 3 years reign –> could have been posioned by his brother
Domitian (r. 81-96): challenged/undermine the senate and the Republican Facade
Destruction of Jersulam
- DATE (70)
- Vespasian’s Son Titus (r. 79-81) besiges Jersulaem
- Second Temple is destroyed; Slaughter of Jews
- Escape of xealot Leaders
- Masada captured by the 12th Legion
What was the problem of First Century Judaism
- Josephus List the “Sects within Judaism”
a. Sadduees (Temple) –> Josephus –> Good Jew
b. Essenes (Apocalypse; Wilderness) –> NO GOOD JEW
c. Zealots (Terrorism)
d. Pharisees (Torah) -> Faithful Torah 00> Good Jew–> First Five Books of the Torah is Law
What/Who was the year of the Four Emperors
Tactis: Four emperors are the worst thing —- Military make great emperors
- Galba
- Otho
- Vitellius
- Vespasinus
What was the Great Fire of Rome
- Fear of Fire was great
- One of the greatest natural diaster
- Rumor: Nero started the fire –> to recite the poem about the “Fall of Troy”
- Nero blamed the Christians for the Great Fire => Scapegoat => St. Peter was executed - buried underneath churches
- Tacitis => felt bad for the Christians
- Romans look at Christians as Jews
Nero Claudius Augustus Germanicus
- Adopted Son of Claudius
- Great Fire Rome (64) –>destroyed the goodwill of the people –> no support
- First Persecution of Christians in Rome –
- First Jewish War (66-70/73) –> massive rebellion –> lost the suppport of the military
- Acclamation of Galba in Hispania (68)
- First Emperor to Committ sucide (68)
- 16 or 17 –> became emperor
- Killed his own mother –> elaborate scheme –> boat with body guards –> boat that will fall apart –> She knew how to swim –> Strangled her instead
- Nero loved sports
- Nero killed off anyone who could stand in his way
- CRAZY!!!!!!!
What destoryed the reign of Nero
The Great Fire of Rome
Caligula Caesar
amed sucessor after tiberius
B. spent million of dollars
C. had schizophenria (Split Brain) –
E. elected his favoirte horse consul,
F. Married his sister –>
G. Resume (blood relative) –>
H. almost died and people realized that he was crazy –>
I. couldn’t sleep, talking to statues, talking about divinity (Becoming god),
J. reckless, ruthless and cruel humor –> was executed for no reason
Cornelius Tactius
- An acclaimed lawyer, rhetorician, politican (senator)
- Had seen “devotlution” of Imperial Rule in Julio-Claudian Dynasty
- Key to Power:” Bread and Circuses” seduction of military