Final Exam Flashcards
Mithridates VI
DATE: 132-63
Mithras: God of Death/Ressurection
“Poison King”
A. King of Pontus surprise attack
B. Rebellion of Eastern Empire (80,000 Roman Dead)
microdoses posion to build a tolerance
- paranoid someone will try to kill him
- Eventually commits suicide
Lucius Cornelius Sulla
DATE: c. 138 - 78
- Put down Rebellion against Mithradates –> made example of two cities Cornith and Athens
- Outlawed by Senate –> Too powerful –> Rome does not like dicators
- First Self Appointed Dicator
- Public Works Project
- Regulated Grain
- Retire in 79 BC
- Sulla fights “total war” against a handful of Greek Cities
- Rebellion is stopped; becomes millionarie (allegations of bribery by Mithradates)
- Gives himself little bits of poison
- Public works projects; regulation of grain
- Colonization of his troops; retires from office in 79 BC
- Battle for control of Empire by Rival “strong men”
- Write laws, and reform/fix the republic
- De Facto end of republic
Praetorian Guard
- Augustus Caesar dictatorship (30 BC)
- Military Reforms: Legions and the Auxililaries
- Desired military reform
- Established, bodyguard for the emperor - 5,000 men under arms for this position
- Everyone wanted to be in this position, pays well, 15 years of service
- Lives in military barracks within walking distance of the emperor
First Triumvirate
DATE: 60/59 BC
- Pompey: Defeated Pirates, Conquest of Judea –> tries to outlaw Caesar (2nd Civil War) –> Fled to Greece –> Battle of Pharsulus (48BC), had more men than Caesar but Caesar was general -> Fled to Alexandria to his Ally Ptolemy –> Died
- Crassus: Defeated Spartacus –> Battle Carrhae (Parthia), 3 legions (DEAD, Betrayed by scout) died with son, Lost ROMAN FLAGS
- Julius Caeser: Public Speaker in Rome –> Conquest of Gallia/Germania (47,000 troops), not enough manpower, gaining popularity= Conquering, memiors, tried to be outlawed by Pompey –> Beat Pompey in the Battle of Pharsulius
Marcus Licinius Crassus
DATE: 112-53 BC
Defeat of slave rebellion of Spartacus (73BC)
Slum award
- Given a command to wage war in Parthia
- Battle of Carrhae (53BC)
- 3 legions are annihilated
- Crassus and his son are killed –> scandel
- Battle flag taken
Spartacus War
Date: 73-71 BC
- Slave Market – Capua
- On Death row: Spartcus
- 60/70 thousand men –> by the time rome heard about (up and down the countryside
- Spartcus Army: Diverse – Greeks, Romans
- Half of the army went north => killed by Crassus
- Other half went to south –> traped in the boot of italy –> killed by Crassus
- Cruxified
- Impressive b/c rome was scared of slaves and helped crassus gain popularity within the triumvirate
- 1st Triumvirate: 60/59 BC
Pompey the Great
DATE: 106-48 BC
The defeat of pirates;
the suicide of Mithradates VI and annexation of Pontaus;
conquest of Judaea (67-62 BC) = millions of dollars in the treasury of Rome
hated Crassus
wanted to be the next Sulla,
5 years of power
40 days to defeat two pirates
added new territory to Rome, wanted to catch Mithradates
force the Jewish people. – proconsular imperium
- Battle of Pharsalus (48 BC)
A. Defeated Pompey (had more army).
and flight to Alexandria (where he was murdered)
The Ides of March
DATE: March 15th 44 BC
Meaning: Middle of the Month
- 23 stab wounds
- Neck wound was what killed him
- Marcus Brutuus (wife had affiar with Caesar)
- “You too son” => Caesar said to Brutius
- Caesar trying to cover his head==> not being humiliated
- 12 people stab him
- 60 People in the Senate
- Says Sic Semper Tryannus
- Becomes a Maryter – Mark Antony
Dictator Perpetuo
Date: 44 BC
- Julius Caesar defeated Pompey the Greay during the Battle of Pharsalus in 48 BC
- This led to the death of Pompey in Alexandria
- The meeting of cleopatra and Julius
- Julius bringining her back to Rome, adopting of Egyptian calendar/ record keeping, too cocky
- this phrase was ona coin with his profile with laurel wreath => meaning dicator forever
- Conspiracy – Senators led this conspiracy – 12 people stabbed him – 23 stab wounds on Julius Caesar
- 60-70 senators
- Led to the assassination of Julius Caesar
Second Triumvirate
DATE: 43- 33 BC
- Mark Antony -> Goes to Egypt –> Marriage to the siste Octavar, had affair with Cleopatra (Looking to attack both Antony and Cleopatra –> Claimed that Cleopatra had said her kids would rule –> declared war on Cleopatra (Battle of Actium -30 BC)
- Marcus Lepidus -> EXILED
- Octavius Caesar
Cleopatra –> women couldn’t be included
Goals of the Second Triumvirate
- Power
- Put down the conscipors
Lepidus accused of crimes that he does not comitt –> putting on trial by Anthony and Octavius Caeser –> Chose to be exiled
Cleopatra VII
DATE: 69-30 BC
- Married to Ptolemy –> NOT HAPPY –> Arranged –> Ptolemy wanted Cleopatra to die
- Alliance with Julius Caesar –> Kill the Ptolemy –> Became wife of Julius Caesar –> Back to Rome
- Strange why: both married to different people, lived in different house (Cleopatra)–> Bragging about Pompey death, all of his conquering (dislike bragging)
Cornelius Tactius
DATE: 55 - 117 AD
- Wrote the Annuls of Imperial Rome
- 115-117 –> Annuls of Imperial Rome –> Judio Claudian Dynasty
- Two keys to having power: 1. Bread and Circus (Feed and entertaining the people) 2. The seduction or support of the military
- Augustus came into power by the support of military, only stayed because of bread and cirucus + Support of military
Res Gestae Divi Augusti
- Means deeds that were done God like Augustus
- Assisantion of Julius Caeser –> Autobiography
- First Line: When I was 19 years old I saved the Republic
- Talks about going to back to private life –> senate made him take all the power
- Autobioraphy: achievements, 30 pages, convincing people need a one man rule
- Posted in rome around empire
Principate (Princips)
DATE: 27 BC-284 AD
- Meaning: one man rule
- Backing of the legions –> imposes the rule of Princips (The first ciizten of Rome)
- Rule of life: Ruling forever or how long he wants to rule
- Not a dictator–> wants to be with the people
- Theme of Augustus Caeser: Does what he tries to do –> Manupliates
- Gets rid of hundreds of senate
- Meets with the senate regulary –> makes them think they have power but truly to make sure they do what he wants
- Sentate: Freedom of speech – to scared of his power to say anything
- Before the august: Senate controlled foregin policy
- After Augustus: worked with the senate and had power over everything
DATE:70 - 19 BC
- Important poets rome produced
- Wrote the aeneid –> sequel to the Iliad
- Promotes the regime of Augustus Caeser/ Principate
- Prophezises a time and propersity under a one man rule
- Written by Virgil - Sequel to Illiad - Rise of Power for Augustus/History of Rome - Death of Virigil -- asked to burn if not finished --> Augustus did not burn it he published