Quiz 4 Flashcards
a prying tool that incorporates a sharp tapered, pick, a blade (either an adze or wedge), and a fork or claw; it is specifically designed for use in the fire service.
Halligan Tool
a short seciton of supply hose that is used to draft water from a static source such as a river, lake, or portable drafting basin to the suciton side of the fire pump on a fire department engine or into a portable pump.
hard suction hose
capable of causing harm or posing an unreasonable risk of life, health, property, or environment
the federal OSHA regulation that governs hazardous materials waste site and response training specifics. Specifics to emergency response can be found in 29 CFR 1910.120
hazardous waste operations and emergency response (HAZWOPER)
a fire detector that detects either abnormally high temperature or rate of temperature rise, or both
Heat detector
indicators on the male and female threaded couplings that indicate where the threads starts. these indicators should be aligned before the fire fights start to thread the couplings together.
higbee indicators
a door made of panels that are honeycombed inside, creating an inexpensive and lightweight design
hollow-core door
the opening or removal of windows or doors on any floor of a fire building to create flow paths for fire conditions
horizontal ventilation
a hose loading method in which the hose is laid on its edge in the bed around the perimeter of the bed so that it resembles a horseshoe
horseshoe load
ventilation that relies on the movement of air caused by a fog stream that is placed 2 to 4 inches in front of an open window
hydraulic ventilation
CO affects the oxygen-carrying capacity of the red blood cell
any condition that would pose an immediate or delayed threat to life, cause irreversible adverse health effects, or interfere with an individual’s ability to escape unaided from a hazardous environment
immediately dangerous to life and health (IDLH)
a verbal or written plan containing incident objectives reflecting the overall strategy and specific control actions where appropriate for managing an incident or planned event
incident action plan
the combination of facilities equipment, personnel, procedures, and communications operating within a common organizational structure that has responsibility for the management of assigned resources to effectively accomplish stated objectives pertaining to an incident or training
incident command system
pressure testing of a fire extinguisher to verify its strength against unwanted rupture. Just know its a pressure test
hydrostatic test
the early stage of fire development where the fire’s progression is limited to a fuel source and the thermal hazard is localized to the area of the burning material
incipient stage
a venturi type proportioning device that meters foam concentrate at a fixed or variable concentration in the water stream at a point between the water source and a nozzle or other discharge device.
in-line eductor
radiation of sufficient energy to alter the atomic structure of materials or cells with it interacts, including electromagnetic radiation such as x-rays, gamma rays, and microwaves and particulate radiation such as alpha and beta particles
ionizing radiation
windows made of small slats of tempered glass, which overlap each other when the window is closed. found in trailers or mobile homes. held together by metal frame and operated by a small hand wheel
jalousie window
cut that is the width and depth of the saw blade, it is used to inspect cockloft spaces from the roof
kerf cut
rope made of two parts–the kern (the interior component) and the mantle (the outside sheath)
Kernmantle rope
the energy posses by an object as a result of its motion
kinetic energy
smooth or streamlined movement of a smoke, which indicates that the pressure in the building in not excessively high
laminar smoke flow
personal protective equipment that provied protection against vapors, gases, mists, and even dusts. the highest level of protection. This requires a totally encapsulating suit that includes a self containing apparatus
level A protection
PPE that is used when the type of airborne substance is known, the concentration is measured, the criteria for using an air-purifying respirator are met, and skin eye exposure are unlikely. A level protection consists of standard work clothing with the addition of chemical-protective clothing, chemically resistant gloves, and a form of respirator protection
level C protection
PPE that is used the type and atmospheric concentration of substances require a high level of respiratory protection but less skin protection. the kind of gloves and boots worn depend on the identified chemical
level B protection
PPE that is used when the atmosphere contains no known hazard, and work functions preclude splashes, immersion, or the potential for unexpected inhalation of contact with hazardous levels of chemicals. This level of protection is primarily a work uniform that includes overalls and affords minimal protections
level D protection
the load produced by the use and occupancy of the building or other structure, which does not include construction or environment loads such as wind, snow, rain, earthquake, flood, or dead load. AKA movable objects during the life of the structure
live load
a wall that supports any vertical load in addition to its own weight or any lateral load
load-bearing wall
a committee comprising members of industry, transportation, the public at large, media, and fire and police agencies that gathers and disseminates information on hazardous materials stored in the community and ensures that there are adequate local resources to respond to a chemical event in the community.
local emergency planning committee (LEPC)
methods of ensuring that electricity and other utilities have been shut down and switches are “locked” so that they cannot be switched on, so as to prevent flow of power or gases into the area where rescue is being conducted.
lockout/tagout system
a piece of rope formed into a circle
the minimum concentration of a combustible vapor or combustible gas in a mixture of the vapor or gas and gaseous oxidant, above which propagation of flame will occur on contact with an ignition source
lower explosive limit