Quiz #3 WBC Flashcards
WBC Myeloid line:
G - Neutrophils, Eosinophils, Basophils
A - Monocytes
WBC Lymphoid line:
Lymphocytes (A)
Most abundant WBC:
Neutrophils - 55-70%
Phagocytes - moves toward infection
Hypersegmented in folate & B12 deficiencies
Band Cell:
Increased with bacterial infections (> 10%)
“Left shift”
RBC differential, Heinz bodies:
▪ Oxidized hemoglobin
▪ G6PD deficiency
RBC differential, Howell Jolly bodies:
▪ DNA fragments
▪ Megaloblastic anemia, asplenia
RBC differential, Basophilic stippling:
▪ Precipitated ribosomes
▪ Lead poisoning, hemolytic
anemia, thalassemia
RBC differential,
Pappenheimer bodies
▪ Iron containing granules
▪ Sideroblasticanemia, asplenia
RBC differential, Rouleaux:
coil of RBCs
Absolute Neutrophil Count:
Actual number of neutrophils
ANC = (%neutrophils + %bands) x (WBC) / 100
2,500 – 8,000 / mm3
Hypersegmented neutrophil:
Folate & Vit B 12 deficiency
Dohle Bodies:
Infection, burns aplastic anemia
Auer Rods:
Acute Myelogenous Leukemia
Malignancy – leukemia (increased number of abnormal WBC)
Leukemia, myeloid line:
Acute (AML) and Chronic (CML)
Leukemia, lymphoid line:
Acute (ALL) and Chronic (CLL)
Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia (CML):
Lab: + Philadelphia
chromosome (translocationof chromosomes 9 & 22)
WBC usually > 50K
Abnormal lymphocytes from lymphoid tissue
Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma - Burkitt’s lymphoma
Hodgkin lymphoma: EBV
Lab: Reed-Sternberg cell
Platelet clumping:
Not mixing EDTA tube
Improper tube draw
Giant platelets:
Often due to genetic conditions
§ Infection, Inflammation, IDA
§ Essential thrombocytosis
§ Polycythemia vera
Immune thrombocytopenia
Bone marrow deficiency of all 3 cell types (pancytopenia)
Bone marrow biopsy indications (in Posterior superior iliac spine):
Evaluate abnormal cell
Diagnose malignancy
Document abnormal iron stores