Quiz 3 unit 4 and 5 Flashcards
Confer (v)
Ara:( يتحاور- يتناقش- يمنح)
Def: to have discussions; exchange opinions.
Ex: I’ll need to confer with my supervisor before I can allow that.
Diminish (v)
Ara:(يُقلص - يستخف ب)
Def: to make or cause to seem smaller, less, less important.
Ex: He likes to diminish the skill of others.
Foundation (n)
Ara: (أساسات- تأسيس - مؤسسة)
Def: the action of establishing an institution or organization.
Ex: Individual freedom is the foundation of democracy.
Fundamental (n)
Ara:( مبادئ)
Def: a central or primary rule or principle on which something is based.
Ex: That is the fundamental difference between the two societies.
Incorporate (v)
Ara: (يُدخل - يُضمن)
Def: to take in or contain (something) as part of a whole; include.
Ex: We shall try to incorporate some of your ideas in our future plan.
Intrinsic (adj)
Ara: (جوهري- حقيقي)
Def: belonging naturally; essential.
Ex: Intrinsic aging is caused internally by genetics.
Manipulate (v)
Ar:( يستعمل - يعالج ببراعة - يؤثر في الناس)
Def: to control or influence (a person or situation) cleverly or unscrupulously.
Ex: My gift is the ability to manipulate minds.
Theory (n)
Ara: (نظرية (علمية) - رأي/شرح)
Def: a set of principles on which the practice of an activity is based.
Ex: The findings are discussed in the context of a competing theory.
Physical (adj)
Ara: (جسدي- فيزيائي/طبيعي)
Def: relating to the body as opposed to the mind.
Ex: I want to do a little physical exercise.
Prime (v)
Ara: (يهيئ - يُجهز - يُعد شخصا لشيء)
Def: to make (something) ready for use or action.
Ex: he grabbed a gun from a nearby wall and primed it
Project (v)
Ara: (يتوقع- يعرض - ينقل - يوصل)
Def: to present or promote (a particular view or image).
Ex: Sarah finally presented her project after a long exhausting day.
Refine (v)
Ara: (يُكرر( نفط) - يُحسن - يُنقح - يُهذب)
Def: to make minor changes so as to improve or clarify (a theory or method).
Ex: You must refine your manners.
Stress (v)
Ara: (يؤكد - يصر- يُجهد)
Def: to emphasize a fact, an idea.
Ex: He stressed the importance of a good education.
Transmit (v)
Ara: (ينقل -(وسيط)- يرسل – (تلفاز/إذاعة)- ينشر- (فكرة/عاطفة/مرض)
Def: to broadcast or send out (an electrical signal or a radio or television programme).
Ex: The TV station will transmit this football match live.
Category (n)
Ara: ( طبقة - فئة - صنف)
Def: a group of people or things that have similar features.
Ex: All members that belong to the same category are sitting together.