Quiz 2 unit 2 and 3 Flashcards
Benefit (v)
Arab:(يستفيد - يربح)
Def: to receive an advantage; profit.
ex: We can all benefit from his experience.
Complex (adj)
Arab:( مُركب - مُعقد)
Def: hard to separate, analyze, or solve.
ex: there is a complex friendship between the two friends.
Consistent (adj)
Arab: (ثابت - متوافق)
Def: showing steady conformity to character.
ex: Amr eats eggs in the morning consistently.
Evident (adj)
Arab:( واضح - مفهوم)
Def: clear to the vision or understanding.
ex: It was evident that she was unhappy.
Identify (v)
Arab:( يُحدد - يُميز - ينتمي - يُماثل)
Def: : to find out who someone is or
what something is.
ex: The teacher asked the girl to solve the question and to identify if it’s a noun or a verb.
Instruct (v)
Arab: ( يأمر - يُعلم - يعطي - تعليمات)
Def: to give knowledge to .
ex: The woman is instructing her daughter to do something for her.
Issue (v)
Arab: ( ينشر - يزود (شخص ) - بشيء - يُصدر)
Def: to give or supply (something) to (someone).
ex: Issue this order to your employees.
Lecture (v)
Arab: (يُحاضر - يُوبخ)
Def: to deliver a lecture to.
ex: The professor lectured the students in english class.
Mediate (v)
Arab ( يتوسط (وساطة) - يحقق نتيجة - يشكل رابط )
Def: to bring about (an agreement) between parties in a dispute.
ex: My brother is the one who usually has to mediate the disagreements between us.
Negate (v)
Arab: (يُبطل مفعول - ينفي - يلغي)
Def: to deny the existence or truth of.
ex: The students negated what their teacher said.
Normal (n)
Arab:( عادي - متوسط)
Def: the usual or expected state, level, amount.
ex: His mind was not in a normal state.
Psychology (n)
Arab:( علم النفس)
Def: the science of mind and behavior.
Require (v)
Arab: (يأمر- يحتاج - يتطلب)
Def: to claim or ask for by right and authority.
ex: The teacher requires the student to understand the word meanings not to memories them.
Research (v)
Arab: (يفحص - يحقق - يجري بحث)
Def: to collect information about or for (something).
ex: Tom is busy with his research.
Whereas (adv)
Arab:( بينما)