Quiz 3 (part of Exam 3) Flashcards
mycobacterium cell wall?
mycolic acid
gram positive cell wall (stratified)
also has mycolic acid (providing waxy nature to cell wall) a virulence factor *help escape**
Gram positive cell wall properties
bridge composition uniqueness
thick cell wall
typical: backbone, tail, bridge
permits free passage of substance (sugar ion, amino acid, etc)
- third amino acid is always L-lysine
- wide variation of bridge amino acid (thus indirect bridge)
- teichoic acid (TA)
Teichoic acid
-how does it contribute to negative charge around cell surface?
2 type of TA:
- lipoteichoic acid
- wall teichoic acid
antigenic specificity
phosphate group of TA give neg charge around cell surface.
attached to NAM (to which the tail is also attached)
this attracts positive charge, thus
fx: regulate + charge ion movement into/out of cell.
fx2: furnish attach site for many bacteriophage (virus that attack bacteria) (first step for virus is attachment)
fx3: serve as PAMP (pathogen associated molecular pattern) ID barcode. recognized as non self.
antigenic specificity. alert our defense cell.
-lipoteichoic acid
span thick peptidoglycan layer.
fx: attach to plasma membrane lipid
-wall teichoic acid
confine to the petidoglycan layer
embedded in the cell wall
PRR: pathogen recognition receptor on our body defense cell
PAMP: pathogen associated molecular pattern. on bacteria cell surface.
PRR (bar scanner) exist on our defense cell. it recognize PAMP (bar code).
either trigger phagocytosis or other mechinism.
example of PAMP: teichoic acid, capsule component such as poly D glutamic acid, D amino acid)
MAMP: microbial associated molecular pattern (another type of molecular pattern as oppose to PAMP)
however, it is nonpathogen (part of our normal microflora that has it)
Gram negative
cell wall structure
thin cell wall (compared to gram pos)
has periplasm/periplasmic space (this is where the cell wall resides)
has outer membrane (unique to gram neg)
compared to gram +
third amino acid is not L (unlike gram +)
third amino acid is D
LACKS teichoic acid
has direct cross bridge
periplasmic space
unique to gram neg cell wall
cell wall resides within periplasmic space
periplasmic space (cell wall here)
plasma membrane
gram + vs gram -
bridge connection
location of peptididoglycan
gram +: indirect bridge
gram -: direct cross bridge
gram + always has L lysine as third
gram- has D acid
location of peptidoglycan:
gram +: outer
gram -: under outermembrane
part of periplasmic space above plasma membrane.