Quiz 3 Flashcards
Dilution Factor
Total final volume divided by the amount added
Amount added divided by the total final volume
Preventing the growth of microbes, stationary, inactive
Chemicals that kill microorganisms
Equation of bacterial density
(Dilution Factor)(CFU-colonies)
/ amount plated
Serial Dilution
Any dilution where the concentration decreases by the same quantity in each successive step and are multiplicative
Culture derived from a single parent that differs in structure or metabolism from other cultures of that species
Microbial Flora
Population of microorganisms that normally reside on or in the body
Collection of bacterial strains that are Gram negative, rod, non-space forming and commonly found in the intestinal tract of warm-blooded animals
General purpose media
Nutrient media: to grow as wide a collection of bacterial species as possible
Selective media
Nutrient media designed to favor the growth of certain microbes and to inhibit undesirable competitors
Differential medai
Nutrient media that discriminates between groups of microorganisms on the basis of differences in their appearance due to the different chemical reactions
Colony-forming unit (CFU)
Cells of group of cells that give rise to a colony
Inflammation of the lining of the stomach and intestine, often caused by intention
muscle pain