Quiz 3 Flashcards
Raleigh’s poem to Marlowe’s “The Passionate Shepherd to His Love”
reply poem
a particular kind of foot that has an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable
short love poems set to music
luxurious; overabundant
a poem or work that celebrates the joys of simple rural life
four metrical feet per line
a short poem expressing the thoughts and feelings of a single speaker
lyric poem
in Greek mythology, “the Princess of Athens”
“Is fancy’s spring, but sorrow’s fall”
an instance of antithesis
“And we will sit upon the Rocks,
- Seeing the Shepherds feed their flocks,*
- By shallow Rivers to whose falls*
- Melodious birds sing Madrigals.”*
the speaker’s romanticizing of nature
reveals much: the speaker and his or her purpose
the titles of these poems
“live with thee and be thy love”; “gowns, shoes, beds of roses”; belt of straw and ivy buds”; etc.
echo words
the key word that announces tone and the Central One Idea in Raleigh’s poem
“A honey tongue; a heart of gall”
an istance of chiasmus
“Come live with me, and be my love.”
the shepherd’s opening invitation
the sheperdess who is addressed by the shepherd
the Nymph
“Time flies the flocks from field to fold”
an instance of alliteration
a few things the shepherd offers
a bed or roses; a thousand frgrant posies; a cap of flowers; a skirt embroidered with leaves of myrtle